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"Hey." Kevin greeted as soon as Elian accepted the call. The image of the green eyed boy with a blotchy red face that appeared to be tear streaked, made Elian feels as though his heart was breaking.

"Hi." Elian replied, forcing a cheery smile on his face and it seemed to moderately help as Kevin smiled in response.

"It's weird to see you? Like you're real. That's crazy." Kevin rambled occasionally making eye contact.

"Why is that so crazy?" Elian laughed, and it was music to Kevin's ears. Kevin tried to take everything in like the way crinkles formed at the corners of Elian's eyes. It was strange to see him, talking like friends when not long ago Kevin was just some kid casually stalking an Instagram model.

"Because you're like considered famous? Sorta. I don't know. It's strange. I never thought we'd talk like this." Kevin explained, he couldn't fight the nervousness that brewed inside him at the idea of them becoming closer.

"You wanna know something?" Elian asked and that made Kevin's anxious feeling double. Apart of him didn't want Elian to continue but he nodded anyways. "I used to wait for your comments, I noticed them awhile ago and I always would wait for them. It was the best part of posting, to have this incredibly hot guy complimenting every photo of you. I knew who you were before we started talking."

"What?" Kevin's brow furrowed as he tried to take this all in but he brain felt like it was short circuiting. "You knew I existed?" He asked, confusion evident on his features. Elian nodded slowly, a shy smile on his lips. "And you didn't text me? I'm so offended."

"I-I was scared." Elian felt flustered, something he wasn't used to nor did he enjoy it. He liked having the upper hand, the one making someone blush and stutter not the other way around.

"You're lying." The green eyes boy said flatly, not believe anything Elian was saying.

"The first thing you ever commented on my picture was dear god thank you for letting me find this beautiful boy and i have a screenshot of it on my phone, because it was the sweetest comment I had ever got." Elian's eyes were focused upwards as though he was trying to see inside his brain to perfectly remember and he finished with a grin at Kevin's awestruck appearance.

"That was a long time ago." Kevin said slowly, slightly stunned.

"Approximately eight months." Elian corrected.

"I have never wanted to kiss someone so bad in my entire life." Kevin breathed out, face flushed. Elian bit his lip and the right corner of his mouth tugged up in a half smile. "I will literally drive to New York right now if it means that will happen. It's only an hour."

Elian wanted to meet Kevin so bad and now would be the best time as neither of his parents were home. "Are you being serious?" Elian asked, fingers twisting together in anticipation as he silently prayed that this was genuinely happening.

"Yes. If that's okay with you...I'll just tell my dad that V is dragging me on her weekend long shopping trips." Kevin confirmed with a nod.

"Okay. I...I'll see you soon." Elian uttered, biting back a grin.

"I'll see you soon, babe." Kevin replied and ended the call.

"Holy shit." Elian mumbled, flopping back onto his bad and draping an arm across his eyes as a nervous laugh escaped him.

hope you don't mind some more real life based chapters for a bit! Also I'm struggling to figure out who would bottom??

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