Save me a place

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As soon as he left the studio he ran to the door hoping to get to stevie but he ran into Carol Ann
"Hey baby!"
He looked over her shoulder to see a car already leaving. He lost her.
"Hey, how was today?"
His shoulders sunk in defeat
"Great! Who was that in the car?"
He had to lie
"Oh just mick, asking about some possible changes in the show, nothing much"
She had gotten her answer and gotten bored and made her way to their bedroom. Lindsey still lost in the thought of stevie.
Stevie's POV

I pulled out my stash and cut myself a good amount of the white powder, I needed to forget, I needed to be okay. I need to not care about the fact that I had an omelette this morning or the fact that I weighed .3 of a pound more... or even the fact that most of what Lindsey has told me was true. I was addicted to this drug and I was addicted to my eating disorder. I had told myself that both of my problems weren't actual problems, that I was fine. Everything was catching up though. I wasn't planning on changing though, I couldn't. The voice in my head was louder than ever. If I couldn't control the chaos in my life, at least I could control this, what I ate and how much I weighed were my main thoughts unless I had my fix . The loneliness that filled my head once the drug started dying down was unbearable and most times I just think to myself- I don't care.. if these two things kill me then so be it. I can't stop. I can't stop. I can't stop...
2 weeks later
Lindsey's POV
Stevie has successfully avoided me like the plague, she hasn't been with any of us much. Christine is the only one she's been with on her free time. Christine has told me on multiple occasions that she won't be the messenger and when stevie is ready, if she ever is, then I'll find out what's been going on. She refuses to give up anything stevie had told her because she has been sworn to secrecy. I gotta give it to her, that Brit is a good friend. I've been trying to bribe her with a bottle and she declined!

Out of the corner of my eye I see stevie and her entourage they all know something is up with her too I can see it in their eyes, they're watching her like she's their baby but they know they can't make her do anything she's opposed to, she's so stubborn in that way. So they take the role of being the caring watchdogs 24/7.
Everyone is over at the refreshment table getting drunk and high off their asses before the show, like usual and Stevie is there in the corner; vacant eyes, sipping out of a styrofoam cup that's most likely vodka. I'm over in the corner tuning my guitar when I see her slip past every one down the hallway. Of course I follow, I see her walk into her dressing room. I wait for about 5 minutes waiting for her to come out when she doesn't, I'm about to leave but I just get an impulsive feeling not to . Without knocking because I don't give a flying fuck if she yells right now I open the door scanning the room when I see her sitting against the wall in the corner her drink spilled on the floor and her eyes closed taking deep breaths.
I walk towards her slowly but cautiously.
She looks up at me with a late reaction.
"Lindsey, what the hell? You can't just barge in here!"
Her voice doesn't give out a strong yell.
I crouch down to her level and stroke her cold skin on her cheek.
She looks up at me with sad eyes and I take the time to notice just how sunken in they look. Her cheekbones more prominent and her skin dull.
"Steph please just let me help you, please, let me in"
She leans in and kisses me, softly, just a peck but the warmth there is her way of letting me in. I sit on the floor and she climbs onto my lap and I feel like crying just feeling how small she is. I try to subtly examine her body. Feeling her hip bones sticking out and her shoulder blades poking through and her ribs fully on display. A tear drops down my cheek. I look down and see she's fallen asleep. Oh did this happen? Why was I so caught up in everything else that I didn't even see her get this bad. I'm way too late.

Hey guys, I don't really know if this is interesting to you, is there anything you guys would like to see? Please let me know X

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