Silas (Sisco) x reader

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Your POV

It's another day at bc sol and we all are practicing. Wait almost all . Free sleeps in the corner of the hall again. How can this guy sleep so long . Whenever I look at him he sits somewhere and sleeps . Weird

" um (y/n) , can you go in your position? We want to start " huh ? Oh it's just rantaro
" sorry, I didn't pay attention. " I apologize. " yeah , you were too busy starring at free as he slept . " Silas said a bit angry. Is he just angry because he had to wait? No matter ,  I should go better in my position before he gets really angry.

" ready set
Let it rip "

( b/n) started really good ! We could win this . Huh ? What ? Our beys stopped spinning at the same time . No way! " it's a draw . No points " rantaro promulgated. Oh man I thought we would win .

" ok guys the training is over ! Make you ready for the dinner " trad shouted. Oh no  , now we can't finish our battle . " well done , we didn't come to practice cause you starrred at free the whole time and not even got in your position ." What's his problem ?

" Silas , don't blame (y/n) , she drifted just for five minutes away. You showed  a hour to late up so blame you ! " a voice yelled behind me . So free didn't sleep and he noticed that I stared at him . I stare on the ground and I can feel that I blush .

" I thought you were asleep, sleepyhead . And why are you blushing? " Silas asked. I guess we pissed him off . " yeah I was asleep until I heard you coming ! " free answered. Are they fighting or something? " guys, we should go before the dinner gets cold " with that I turn around and go to the others.

Valt and rantaro are eating already so I got my food and sit beside them . After awhile Silas joined us and now we eat in silence our food . I'm not really hungry so I give the rest to rantaro and valt. It's seems like they don't notice that i got up but I want to go outside. Wow they really don't notice not even Silas but I guess he is in thought . Now I'm outside and walk around.

Huh ? There is free and he goes in the wood . What is he doing there on the evening? Isn't that dangerous or just stupid ? Not my best dicision but I followed him to an old bey stadium and now I'm hiding behind a tree . He trained also every night here and because of that he is always that tired . Now I know how he can sleep so long .

Wait I follow free but I feel like someone follow me ! Wow I guess I watched to many horror movies nobody is here but me and free . Then someone slap his hand on my mouth and drag me away from the tree . What the heck ! The first time I feel bad when I'm right

I finally break free to see Silas standing there starring at me angry. " what's your problem? I ... " I get interrup by him " what's your problem? Why were you following free and why are you starring at him all day? " he yelled .

" why do you even care about who I'm looking at ? " I yelled back. " do you have a crush on him ? Do you love free ? " could he stop yelling? " why do you want to know that ? Tell me ! " ok i yell too . I'm not better . " cause I love you ! " he yelled but then turned around and left me alone .

He loves me and I smile like an idiot. I'm glad nobody can see me . " Hey , what happened to you guys? " oh no free ! Just what I needed . " well , um " wow I'm really good at talking and this smile sneaks back on my face .

" are you alright? " now he thinks I'm crazy. And I can't stop smiling cause I know that Silas loves me . Wait why am I standing here ? I should have run after him to tell him how I feel . " yeah , everything is fantastic but I have to go now before it's too late " I said . I don't want to know what free now thinks about me  but I started running after Silas .

I hope I'm not too late ! I have to find him . Wait what's that under the tree ? Yess ! Silas sits there but he looks upset . " may i join you " I asked but don't wait for an answer and sit beside him . He doesn't even look into my eyes . That hurts but I hurt him .

" listen , I shouldn't have yell at you and I'm sorry. And to answer your question I don't have a crush on free " I explained. " you don't love him ? Could you say who you love ? " I smirked and kissed him . It seems like he is really shocked cause he didn't kiss back So I stopped .

I'm blushing really hard but this time i look into his eyes " answered that your  question? "  I asked . " yess " he then kisses me . Oh man right now I hate that we need oxygen. I want to kiss him forever. " want to be my girlfriend " he suddenly asked . Yesss ! I nodded and kiss him again .

" finally you're together " not free again! Is he a stalker or has he just no hobbies " what are you doing here " I'm pretty confused. " i wanted to see how long it takes you to become a couple " free replied . " so you watched us all day? "  " yep , I can't wait to tell everyone that you guys are a thing now ! "

" what ? No you won't tell them . When somebody tell the others then we ! " Silas shouted . " nah I will tell them bye ! " he starts to run back to bc sol . " noo , come back here sleepyhead! " now we both chase after free to prevent that he tells the others that we are together.

I hope you like it . I didn't have any ideas for this chapter. Tell me your opinion in the comments and what i should write as next . Bye ...

Beyblade burst x readerWhere stories live. Discover now