6: Ending

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Lucy's POV

We arrived at Magnolia. As soon as we arrived, I run towards the guild.

Natsu... I have to see him..!

I pushed the door opened and saw the guys aren't here. Only a few kids.

“Who are you, Lady? What are you going in our guild?!” Exclaimed a 4-years-old blue haired boy with black colored eyes.

I was about to answer him politely when....

“Lu-chan?” I turn around and saw it was Levy-chan, who was staring at me in shock and ready to cry.

“Uh-hu,” I smiled, tearing up.

She starts crying and jumped into my arms.

She cried my name. As she and I cried the others start to come in, and gasped when they saw me.

“Lucy...” I looked at Gray.

“Gray...” He came over as Levy-chan pulled away. He hugged me and said,“Welcome Home,”

I cried and hugged back,“I'm home!”

The others starts to hugged me too. As Levy-chan explain to the kids who am I.

We were having a reunion. They told me how much I missed in the past five years.

“How are you in the past five years?” Jellal asked.

I looked down and said,“I was in a coma for five years.... This is the first time in years that I finally got out,”

“You were in a coma?! Why?!” Lisanna exclaimed.

“I heard what happen to Natsu... And I wanted to come back here to ask the truth... And then... I got hit by a car,” I said.

“You remember him, right?” Wendy asked hopefully.

I looked at them, and nodded with tears swelling in my eyes.

“Here,” Zeref gave me a paper,“It's Natsu's company address. You got to see him, my little brother has been miserable without you,”

I nodded,“Alright. Thanks,”

I looked at it. My eyes widen. I know this place..!

Zeref's POV

“Where is that company? We never knew where it is,” Mavis said.

I smiled,“It where everything began and ended,”

She smiled when she realized where it is,“Hargeon,”

Our cute moment was cut off when our daughter, Nebula, said,“Mommy... Daddy... You're weird,”

Natsu's POV

“Natsu...” Gramps called me,“Are you done with your paper works?”

I smiled at him and pointed at the finished stack of papers.

He grinned at me, and sat at one of the chairs in front of me.

“It's been five years, my boy...” He started,“Don't you think that it's time to give up?”

I shook my head as I smile sadly at him,“Sorry, Gramps.... I love her too much to give up on her,”

He smiled at me, looking like he was satisfied with my answer.

“It's time for me to go home then,”

“Good night, Gramps,”

Lucy's POV

Flaming Keys Co.

That's Natsu's company's name.... I immediately go in but then guards stopped me.

“Hey let me go!” I squirm.

“Sorry Miss, we can't let you in the building without an appointment or the Boss's permission,” One of the two guards said.

“Let me go this instant! I'm Natsu' guildmate!”

“Ha! Nice try Miss. Many chicks have already tried that,”

“I'm serious!”

“And we're serious too,”

I continue to protest at them for a good 2 minutes when...

“What's going on?” I turned and saw...

“Master!” He was shocked when he saw me.

“Lucy?!” He looked at the guards,“Let go of her this instant!”

“But sir—!”

“That's Natsu's girlfriend! Let go of her!” They immediately let go of me and apologize and went back to their stations.

“Is that really you, child?”

Master's POV

“Is that really you, child?” I asked the girl infront of me with tearful eyes.

She nodded and hugged me,“I missed you, Master,”

I hugged back. After a few minutes of chatting when we were at the cafeteria at the company,“I think you're here to see Natsu, correct?”

She nodded,“Yes, Master,”

We both stood up, as I lead her to his office.

I told her to wait by the door as I talk to the boy.


Natsu's POV

I looked at the person so called me and I was Gramps.

I looked at him confused,“Didn't you went home already, Gramps?”

“I know that... But someone is here to see you,” He said.

I turned my swivel chair and looked at the window,“I don't care who is that but get them out,”

I thought that Gramps already got the person out when I heard the voice that I thought that I would never hear again...


That sweet angelic voice... Am I dreaming? Is she really back?

I slowly turn the chair around, and stood up when I saw her... Standing in front of me.

She never change... She's still the Luce I know...

“Luce...” I got around the table and run towards her, and cage her into a tight hug.

She hugged back immediately,“Natsu....!”

I pat her back, and whispered in her ear,“Shh.... Cry it all out then we'll talk...”

“I miss you... So much!”

“I miss you too, Luce,”

15 years later

Many things have changed after Lucy came back to us. To me.

We finally got married. Although, We have some complications since her siblings was against it.

But when Igneel, my second son, was born. Lukas was the one who saved him for kidnapping up to the point he died saving my son. Luke Igneel is my son's name in his Uncle's honor.

The God would never gave us obstacles that we would never able to conquer. Because He knew that we can conquer it.

Love is an unexplainable feeling, an expression, a touch, a feeling. Once you felt those, it's like no other thing matters in the world... It's just you and your lover matters.

I was blessed to have Lucy in my life. She change everything when she came. I was happy. Contented. Satisfied.

I fell in love with her because of million things that I could never tired of listing. No words can express how happy I am when I have her back.

I guess......

This is the end of our story, huh...

Until we all meet each other again...

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