4: Natsu

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We all went and fought the man who took your body.

Your sister and brother are so mad that they killed him. I am too. I beat him up before they could kill him.

All I want was.... To hold you again.... To hold tight in my arms where you're safe.

Lukas opened the gateway to the Spirit Realm. Everyone knows Celestial Magic is your strongest magic, and we brought you there.

Virgo and the other female spirits took you from my arms, and cried while holding you.

The male spirits came and beat me up. Blaming me for your death.

Delancy came to my rescue surprisingly, and told the spirits to stop.

They all led us to the center of the Realm.

I gave you one last kiss before gently setting you down the center.

A week since then. A weeks since we put you there.

I wait. And wait. And wait.

Laxus and Mira composed a song for their job and it really hit me.

Little do you know
How I’m breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I’m still haunted by the memory
Little do you know
I’m trying to pick myself from piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time

Wasn't 10 years enough? Yes. I am still haunted by our memories together.

Underneath it all I’m held captive by the hole inside
I’ve been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind
I’m ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight
Little do you know
I need a little more time

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I know what I did was unacceptable to Him. To the God above. But please.... Just forgive for my mistake.

Here's I am in your apartment, Mira's and Laxus's song was playing at the radio, crying in grief. Crying because I lost you.

Away, away
I love you like you've never felt the pain, away
I promise you don’t have to be afraid, away
The love you see right here stays so lay your head on me

Luce.... I'm sorry... If I could just turn back the time. I would change it.

Little do you know
I know you’re hurt while I'm sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are solely drowning me
Little do you know
I’m trying to make it better piece by piece
Little do you know
I, I love you till the sun dies

That part of the song is what I always say to you... I love you till the sun dies. Yes, that mistake was solely drowning me. It really did.

Away, just wait
I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait

I walked out of the apartment, looking down at the ground. I just walked and walked, not knowing where my feet would lead me.

I love you like I’ve never been afraid, just wait
Our love we see right here stays so lay your head on me

Away, away
I love you like you've never felt the pain, away
I promise you don’t have to be afraid, away
The love you see right here stays so lay your head on me

My feet came into stop. I looked and saw I was infront of your tomb. I stared at it. And did what I've been doing for a while.

I cried.

Lay your head on me
So lay your head on me
'Cause little do you know
I love you till the sun dies

I cried and cried.

All I need was you.... Is that too much to ask?

February 14th.

Exact day you were awake. You know everyone else.

But not me.

I run away crying when you asked who am I.

It hurts. It hurts so much. You forgot all of our memories together.

I was depressed.

Your sister and brother took you home back to North.

I was all alone. Everyone was trying to get me out of your apartment. But I couldn't.

This place is too precious to let go.

Because of my depression, Gramps said I was in no condition to go on jobs.

The guild helped me. They were right, I wasn't taking a very good care of myself.

I haven't eaten since you left. And that was a month ago.

I was accumulated by bad habits. I started taking drugs. I started drinking.

How many times were I was arrested by that?

Every single time I tried to commit suicide, Happy or Erza or Gray or anyone else stops me.

March 14th.

I guess I went to far. I got into an accident.

The guild and the other guild never give up on me.

They made me go onto a therapy. Church seminars.

All my bad habits was fixed.

I left the guild, they all knew that. I told them I would send letters to them.

Happy stayed behind. I told him so. And he knew. He knew that I need space.

Losing her was hard.

Fixing myself and move on is harder.

Five years.

Five years have passed since then. And I never forgot about her.

She made a huge impact on my life. I've become a singer. A poet. A dancer.

I owned alot of business, but all of them are dedicated to Lucy and the guild.

The guild supported me. When Gramps retired he became my advisor.

I visit the guild from time to time.

Some of them are married already. Gajeel and Levy. Gray and Juvia. Jellal and Erza. Mirajane and Laxus.

They all have kids too.

New generation are blooming.

But I'm still holding into that hope.... That hope that she will come back to me.

I held the picture we both took together 15 years ago.

I held the picture we both took together 15 years ago

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I still love you, Luce.... I still do.

Like I said 5 years ago.... I love till the sun dies.

How much longer do I have to wait?
How many more nights do I have to stay awake? Just to wait for you to come back to me?

In pain, I try to exhale you
Like smoke, like white smoke
I say that I’ll erase you
But the truth is that I can't let you go yet.....

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