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“How could you cheat on me?!” An enraged salmon haired dragon slayer roared at the poor blonde mage in front of the whole guild, who is just watching.

“Just let me—!” She was cut off when Natsu held a hand in front of her. Saying that he don't want to hear it.

“You lied to me,” He shaken in anger,“And fucking explain what?! That fucking guy is your other and you fucking love him more than me?! That's bullshit!”

Everyone was shock that he was cursing. He never cuss so much like that.

What made everyone shock was the mark that he was so proud of. He was removing it. Out of anger.

The dragon slayers were alarmed now by what happened to the poor blonde.

“Oh no...” Wendy covered her mouth.

“Fuck!” Gajeel cussed in frustration.

“Fuck no,” Laxus growled.

They were about to say something. But held it back, they knew better to butt in a conversation such as this.

Some of the guild members were disappointed, taking Natsu's side. And some are on Lucy's side, because they knew better that Lucy would never cheat.

“He's not my other! Just listen!” Lucy plead,“He's just a friend that was visiting! I swear!”

“Save it!” He hissed,“I don't need your petty excuses,”

And with that he walked out of the guild. Leaving a trail of burning marks behind him. Going on the Decade Quest he was supposed to go with the blonde.

“Did you really cheat on him?” Mira asked.

Lucy shook her head, still crying. Not believing that Natsu would accuse her for something she would never do.

Levy and Lisanna went to their friend and comfort her, completely on her side.

“That Natsu! He should have listen to your side first!” Lisanna exclaimed,“I'll so beat him up when he comes back!”

“I'll beat him up for you!” Levy said to her, trying to cheer the blonde up.

“No.... I...should leave,” She sobbed.

“But Lu—!” Mira was about to say something, but Lucy ran away.

“Poor Lucy. I expect more from Natsu-san,” Juvia said.

“It would be Salamander's fault if it did happen to her,” Gajeel said.

“But should we go after her?” Laxus asked.

“I think we should,” Wendy exclaimed, getting the attention of the guild.

Wendy looked around and saw the curious gaze of her guildmates,“I think you guys should be informed,”

“Informed on what?” Master asked.

“The effects of the mark being remove,” Gajeel said.

“And what is it?” Lily asked.

“It was said that removing the mark would be a very dangerous move to do,” Laxus said,“These guys informed me about this,” And he looked at Wendy and he nodded.

“Allow me to explain,” Wendy politely said,“Once a slayer remove their mark on their mate. Something bad will happen to their mate,”

“What will happen?” Carla asked.

“It was in the belief once the mark is remove. The mate will no longer be need,” She looked at them dead in the eye,“The mate will die on the day the mark was remove,”

Everyone stood up, alarmed. Shit just got serious and fucked up. I'm pretty sure that the people on Lucy's side are already blaming Natsu.

“Go find her you brats!! Hurry!!” Master shouted.

And so they did. Everyone went out in the rain. Hoping to find the said dying blonde.

“Why didn't you told me about this, Gajeel,” Levy asked Gajeel as they were looking around for the blonde.

“Because, I don't want to make you worry. So I had to keep it for myself, so I could held myself back and not do what Salamander did,” Gajeel explained as they keep running around.

“But still,” Lily said,“You could have told us. So we could have prevent this from happening,”

“I didn't even know that it was real!” Gajeel exclaimed.

On the other team. With Mira, Laxus, Bickslow, Lisanna, Evergreen, Elfman, Freed, and Juvia.

“Have you smelt her yet?” Elfman asked.

“I'm murdering Natsu for this,” Lisanna growled,“I don't care if I go to jail. But he's the reason why we're gonna lose Lucy!”

“A great heads-up would be great a little before, Laxus,” Mira growled at her boyfriend.

“I got notify just two days ago,” He defended,“Don't go blaming me, Mira,”

“But the real problem here is... Who the hell is the guy that Natsu saw with Lucy?” Bickslow said.

“That is the big question here,” Lisanna said.

“What would Juvia say to Gray-sama when he comes back,” Juvia said worriedly.

“Oh yeah,” Evergreen said,“What would Erza do if she founds out?”

“Probably gonna go and find Natsu to kick his unmanly ass,” Elfman said.

On Wendy's team. With Carla, Master, Romeo, the Connel Family, Macao and Wakaba.

“I hope we find Lucy on time,” Bisca said.

“Is there anyway to cure her?” Master asked.

“Apparently, No,” Wendy sadly said,“Lucy-san will be the 3rd mate that was recorded who died by the mark being removed,”

“3rd? Here I thought that a lot of mates died on the same thing,” Alzack said.

“Who's the first two?” Romeo asked.

“A celestial mage named Anna was the first one,” Wendy said.

“Who was her mate?” Wakaba asked.

“Grandina said it was Acnologia,” They gasped,“But before she died. She already gave birth. So, no one really knows who's their child,”

“What about the second one?” Macao asked.

“A demon hunter named Delancy. Her mate was a demon slayer,” Wendy quietly said.

“Ironic, she's a demon hunter. Yet, she's a mate of a demon slayer,” Carla snorted.

“Enough talk! Let's find her,” Master said.

Everyone search far and low. Yet, they regroup at the South Gate Park.

They were think of were she could possibly be. She's not in her apartment, so that place is crossed out.

“I think I have an idea,” Levy exclaimed and run away while shouting to them,“Follow me!”

20 minutes earlier. The blonde ran away from the guild. She looked up and saw it was raining, it was a good sign so the dragon slayers wouldn't sniff her out.

Soon. She stopped on a special place. A place where it has an essential value to her.

A place where Natsu claimed her as his mate.

She smiled at the memory. So, she went to the biggest tree, she sat and leaned there.

With a smile on her face. She left the world, and be with her family once more.

Back to the present time. The guild arrived just in time. The sun was setting and the wind blows. Making the Cherry Blossom Tree leaves sway in the air.

They gasped when they saw the person they were looking for.

Leaning against the biggest tree. Resting in peace, with a happy smile on her face.

They just knew. She died not with bad memories. But died with the memories they shared together.

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