undercover (14)

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So hes just standing there smirking at me. What do i do? Ok chill lindsey your ok just dont blow your cover. whats wrong with me im talking to myself WHEN I COULD BE TALKING TO A HOT BOY! "Um..." I say blushing again. "Well I came to ask if you wanted to come to a Party with me tonight.." He says blushing a tad bit and swooping his hand through his black hair. "Um... Well sure I'll come." God damn did i just get asked out by him?

"ok ill pick you up at 10:00?" He says nervously. "Yea ok thank you." He smirks at me and waves bye. I wave back blushing hard and smiling bigger than ever. Wow hes so hot why? Ill find what to wear latter.

I walk over and sit on an even more comfortable bed. I decided to look at the suspects. "Emma hawkens." Was the first. It had a picture of her. She had long black, purple and blue hair. (Kinda like a galaxy😃)

"But she looks emo..... Shes so tge killer. Right?" I think for a while. Then I chech the time. "SHIT ITS 9:30!" I panic a little i run to get a dress. Yes I said dress.

I pick out a champagne color dress with silver and black beads on the top part. As I'm outting on my makeup I hear a knock"why is he early?" I finish up and walk to the door. "Hey...." I see that same old sexy smirk and a black haired heart taking monster that stole my heart once again.

"Um you ready?" I blush a lot now. "Yea im coming." I grab my phoneand keys and walk out with his arm around me. "God hes so hot" I mummer under my breath. "what's that sweet heart?" He says looking at me smiling. "Um nothing. "I say blushing and laughing a little.

when we get to his car its a nice black slick Porshia. I stand there shocked that is a really expensive car. He takes backs his arm and opens the dkkr for me. then he walks over to me and picks me up. "In ya go princess." He sets me in the car and shuts the door.

Then he walks to his side and gets in we drive off. "So how did you know where I was staying?" i ask him looking up at him. "Well uh.... I mean...." he says stuttering and blushing. "Um lets just say that ove been crushing on you ever since I first laid eyes on you..." I sit up and look at him. "How has that been?" I ask smiling. "A while now...." I laugh and then say "well I like you too."

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