Chapter 1

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As we stood there watching the walpurgisnacht, I made up my mind.
"Homura-chan I'm sorry I'm going to become magical girl."
I turned around and looked Homura-chan in the eyes. Homura-chan was partially beneath the rubble of the destroyed building, blood dripping down her face if I can save her and everyone else, my soul is a small price to pay.
"Madoka... You can't!" Homura-chan said in disbelief, she knows me well enough to know my decision was final, she can't change it.
"I finally know what I want. I found the wish I want granted and for that wish I'll pay with my life."
"Stop it! Then why did I why did I even do all of this?" Homura-chan interrupted me, her eyes glazing over with tears. She turned her face away from me, tears falling down her cheeks, smearing the blood on her right cheek. I walked the a few steps separating us, reach down and held her, she closed her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I know, I'm standing here because you wanted to protect me, because you cared for me this whole time. I'm really sorry." Homura-chan's hand reached out to my arm which was across her neck holding her head against my neck. I stood up, her weak grip couldn't hold me.
"This is the answer I finally found. Believe in me." A fresh set of new tears welled up in Homura-chan's eyes threatening to spill, I reached down, hugging her one last time.
"I won't squander what you've become and what you've done for me."
She called my name as I separated from my friend for the last time turning to face Kyubey no, the incubator.
"Now that you control the fate of many world's and have become a singularity for cause and the effect, I should be able to grant your wish, no matter how absurd it is." The incubator spoke to me telepathically.
"You're telling me the truth correct?"
"Now Kaname Madoka, with your soul as reparation, for what shall you wish?" I gathered my conviction, this is it, goodbye everyone, I'm so sorry I won't get to say goodbye.
"I..." I steeled my self, taking a step forwards, so I could no longer see Homura-chan. I speed my arms wide, taking a deep breath and bring my arms together again, don't let your conviction waver.
"I want to eliminate all witches before their birth. Every single witch in the universe, under my own power, past, present and future." My soul gem started glowing, it's shine stealing my vision. I heard the incubator gasp, I thought you have no emotions. I guess it's develop them.
"If that is what you wish... if that wish comes true, you won't just be talking temporal manipulation anymore! You'd be opposing the very laws of Casualty themselves!" The incubator gasped realising my plan, indeed it was shock an emotion that it claimed not to have.
"Do you really plan to become a god?"
I close my eyes too sense power well up in my heart.
"I don't care what you call it. I don't want any of the other girls that have fought with witches until now, all the magical girls who believed and hope to cry. I want them to believe and smiling to the end. I'll destroy any rule that stands in my way. I'll change them all! This is my wish, my desire, now grant me this incubator!"
The pink light expanded covering the sky as far as the eyes could see, this world, no this universe now under my protection. I knew I would cease to exist, it's fine if everyone would smile, then it would be worth it. My friends already know, I told Kyouka-chan and Mami, they said it was ok. They asked me to become the Embodiment of their hope. I'll do it, I'll save them all!

My light which now encompasses the universe came back to my, body bringing with it enough hope to destroy all witches. My clothing changed, my wand appeared slowly changing into a bow. I grasp the bow, aiming at the Sky with an arrow containing all the hope in the universe and shot a single arrow.
It created magic circles above me, the shockwave destroy all the dark clouds, taking despair and returning it to me. The arrow burst into an infinite number, going across all of time and space.

The first which my powers sensed was a small girl with green pigtails, she was laying in a field of grass crying watching as her soul gem slowly turned black. I manifested my spirit, and took away the despair. The despair found residence in my stomach this continued all over the universe, throughout all of time and space. I took their despair and made it my own, it now resided within me.

My soul gem corrupted to the despair which my spirits were bringing to me. My gem broke, creating a witch that encompassed the world. Homura-chan was on the moon, watching along with the incubator. She controls time, naturally she can watch it from the outside. She saw what was happening and some to despair appeared in her heart, she was sad, sad for me. "Its okay... My wish was to erase all witches. If that came true, then even I have no reason to feel despair any further!"
My powers became stronger, the hope from all of time and space was brought to me, all the hope that was created when the despair was destroyed. It was enough to help me convert the despair into a new energy. Just raw energy without emotions, I think I'll call it chakra... 

My hair grew longer, my clothes changed form and my bow has changed from absorbing all the hope the universe past present and future. I raise the bow to the which created from my soul gem. It caused magic circles to appear in a flash of all encompassing light.

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