Chapter Eight: But Some Things Hurt Worse Than Spilt Hot Chocolate

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Hola!! Well, only a week left of school for me, and then 3 days of finals - almost there!! I'm so excited for summer, except I'm gonna have like zero time to write cuz I'll be working out of town...darn :/ but I'll try my best! Anyway, please enjoy this next chapter - just as a warning, it gets kinda serious, I dunno if humor's even the best category for this book anymore lol - and please shoot me a comment, tell me what you think! :) I'll try to update ASAP, most likely I'll have time to write this weekend, though the weather's BEAUTIFULLLL finally so I might be outside all the time. Maybe I'll write outside....

Well, gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Eight

But Some Things Hurt Worse Than Spilt Hot Chocolate

Let me take you back in time for a just a moment. Remember when I had just met Zach and we were running from some of the Alley Cat’s men? He told me to hide, just like right then in the frozen woods, while he scoped out the area. I had spotted a sniper in the window of a nearby building and screamed his name, just a little faster than the speed of a bullet.

Well, I experienced some hardcore déjà vu, because that’s basically what happened.

My scream came out strangled in my throat, and Zach whipped around just in time, so that the bullet from Hunter’s gun flew into the tree branch to the right instead. Zach immediately dropped into the snow, bringing his arm up above his head to fire at Hunter. The man let out a grunt as one bullet slammed into his shoulder, but he didn’t stop firing.

“Nat, don’t move, whatever you do!” Zach hissed from the ground, but at that moment one of Hunter’s bullets smashed into the gun in Zach’s hand, sending it spinning away. I gasped, trying to join him before Hunter did, but he gave me a fierce look and I stood still.

Zach scrambled to his feet, ready to run, but Hunter barked, “Don’t move.”

I slid further back into the shadow of the trees as the man plowed through the snow, his gun pointed steadily at Zach’s chest. He wasn’t very tall, but he was thickly built, muscles bulging through his overcoat. His clear, icy eyes fixed on Zach’s face as he leered at him.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to catch up with you, Sullivan. Last time wasn’t quite sufficient for what I have in mind.”

“Yeah,” Zach agreed, his voice flippant though his eyes were wary. “I think you were just too shocked to see me, personally.”

“Hysterical,” Hunter growled, stopping in front of him and jabbing his gun into Zach’s chest. “That was a pretty clever trick you pulled; I’ll give you that. But you won’t do it again. Why did you contact my sister?”

Zach shrugged, holding his hands up in the air peacefully. “Jack and I go back a long ways. I hadn’t seen her in a while and she told me I could visit whenever.”

“She told me you mentioned TriStar.”

“That’s right,” Zach said evenly, his eyes fixed on Hunter’s face. “I did. What are you gonna do about that – go tattle to Pazzini? Who are you even with, Hunter? You know Pazzini will kill Jack, don’t you?”

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