Chapter Four: Apparently Spies Shop At Walmart Too

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Hello! So I wasn't gonna write more till after my AP test next week, but I got bored of studying and really wanted to, so screw Euro. You just get to that point where you can't study and wanna kill everything so whatever. Anyway, so here's the next chapter. I can't wait until the exciting stuff starts happening! Hope you enjoy this and please shoot me a comment :) they mean loads to me, I love to know what you guys think. Now Imma go maybe study (more like eat that ice cream that's been calling my name) Adios!

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Four

Apparently Spies Shop At Walmart Too

There are moments in life when you really wish dramatic music could blast in the background - for instance, during that car chase would have been pretty sick. Another would have been as we walked across the Walmart parking lot, our hands buried in our coat pockets and our heads bent against the icy wind, the two guys surveying the area sharply. I thought it really called for some epic panorama music.

But instead some random pop song played in the background as we walked into Walmart, our feet squeaking a little on the floor from parking lot slush. Patrick snatched up a basket and tucked it under his arm as we made our way into the store and into a random aisle. Zach still looked pukey-nervous, his face pale as he scanned the faces of passersby.

"What're we doing?" I asked, trotting after their long strides. "Should I tell my mom?"

"Yeah, you probably should," said Patrick, stopping in front of some cereal boxes and glancing at them. "Just don't tell her about that car chase, okay? Speaking of which..." He tugged out his phone. "I should probably call Jer."

"What?" Zach's eyes popped. "No!"

Patrick gave him a flat look. "I can't just not tell him that some of Pazzini's men popped up in this area, dude. We're trying to find him, remember? If they're around, he probably is too. I won't mention your name, cool?"

"We don't know that Pazzini's around here..." Zach faltered at Patrick's raised eyebrows. "Well, okay, it's probable, but how did Jer not know he'd be around here? Since this is where" - he glanced at me - "you-know-who is supposed to be."

I gasped so dramatically that both guys whipped around with startled expressions, their hands flying suspiciously to their coat pockets. When they saw nothing, they looked at me in confusion, and I said in a hushed voice, "Voldemort is back?"

Patrick stared at me before breaking into a wide grin. "Yeah, Nat. Better watch out."

"I'm being serious," Zach said with irritation. "Pazzini wants you-know-who, and I thought Jer did, too."

"Do you know who Voldemort is?" I asked him, frowning.

"Are you kidding me right now?"

I shrugged. "You didn't know The Lion King. I had to check."

Patrick shook his head, picking up a random box of cereal as he kept an eye on the camera screen above. "Look, Sullivan, I agree with you, but you don't even know that you-know-who's actually around here right now, and I'd be willing to bet Jer knows more than you do." And as Zach made a skeptical noise, "Besides, why do you think I'm still in Michigan?"

"To watch out for her."

"What, because you decided to run away?"

Zach's jaw clenched, his good hand clutching his casted arm. "Right, because I had loads of options sitting in handcuffs."

I frowned. "Wait, watch out for who?"

"You," snapped Patrick, shoving the cereal box into the basket. "Yeah, maybe Jer told me to look out for her, but that's not the only thing I'm supposed to be doing right now, Sullivan. I'm definitely not supposed to be aiding and abetting one of the people Jer's been looking for these past two weeks."

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