Chapter 25: Battle Born

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"Hmm. Yeah, I guess that's right," Sam murmurs. "Veronica just wants you to check the perimeter fence, check for problems before she does her big test in a few days. Seems like it might be dangerous..."

"Her test?" I guess, shrugging. "Probably."

"If it is, then maybe you shouldn't-"

"Sam," I scowl.

"What? I'm just saying. After what happened two nights ago-"

"It was just a bad dream."

"Nadia said you were screaming and you nearly fell off a platform. Then, after she finally got you to calm down, your nose started bleeding." He lets out a deep breath. "That does not sound like just a bad dream."

"Please, Sam, I... It's complicated, alright?"

"Was it one of your dream... future vision things? You can tell me. You know I don't think you're crazy."

I sigh, my eyes darting from one bush to another. "Yes, I know, but... that dream-that vision definitely isn't something you need to hear about."

"Why? Is something bad going to happen?"

"When does something bad not happen?"

He growls in annoyance. "Five."

"What?" I sigh, bringing my hand up to rub my temples. "Can we please just drop it?"

There's a moment of silence, and I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, worrying he won't give up. Sam can be just as stubborn as me when he wants to be.

"Fine," He grumbles, and I sigh in relief.

"Thank you. And I'll be okay with the test Veronica's hoping to perform. She said if we help her with this, she'll help us get into the Comansys Base, remember?"

"Yeah... can't believe we found her. She's not... exactly like her dad, is she? Although I guess they... I dunno. They both have that single mindedness. Do you remember how he was when he first arrived in Abel? All that 'I can replan this water supply so that it's more efficient'." He laughs. "And-and the-the rouses he used to have with Janine, neither of them willing to back down an inch."

I blink. "Um... Sam, I wasn't there at Abel when Chris first arrived."

I hear him smack himself in forehead. "Right. That wasn't you. Oh, God. Sometimes I think this apocalypse has destroyed my brain, like all Runner Fives are one Runner Five, and you should remember things that happened to the first one."

"Do I remind you of the other Runner Fives?" I ask.

"In a way. You're brave, fast, funny... But you are a lot different too; You're the youngest of them, and uh..." He trails off.

"And what?"

He coughs awkwardly. "The most secretive. I wish you could've met them, really. You come from a noble heritage, Five. Of course, the first one was the Major's deputy, Sargent Ellis. Amazing shot, she was. Really good soldier. Shame about what happened...

"Now that I think about it, that was about the same time Chris McShell turned up at Abel. Hey, while you're running, I can tell you the story, if you like. Feels like someone should. It's a part of your history."

I shrug. "Sure. Why not? It's not like I've got anything better to listen t-woah!"

Suddenly I'm falling. The ground has disappeared from beneath my feet. Before I can even scream, I've hit the ground-the cold, hard ground. Or maybe I should say... floor?

I groan, pushing myself up, stopping when I see a lock of my own hair. It's not the dark brown I was born with, but instead it's dirty blonde. It's not long, almost reaching my waist either. It's short, just above my shoulders.

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