Chapter 23: Veronica

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"Follow me this way," Veronica says. "Now that you're here, you're going to help me. I'd ask nicely, but I don't care much if you want to."

"Runner Five is injured," Nadia argues. "I'm not following you anywhere until you help her. Or at least get someone else to help her."

The ravenette rolls her eyes and bends down. She has a roll of duct tape in her hands, which she sets down to pull up my shirt. After removing the bloody cloth and wiping away at the blood, she grabs the duct tape and-

I hiss when my skin is pulled together by the strip of tape, but Veronica doesn't even bat an eyelid. She does this a few more times, using the duct tape to pull the wound closed. If it didn't hurt so bad, I would laugh, because I've never seen a Brit do anything this American in my life.

"There. That should work for now. Help me, and I'll stitch you up as best I can." She stands up. "Now come on."

Nadia helps me stand, and we both follow the girl down one of the walkways. I can't help but be wary of this girl. She has one of those 'I secretly want to push you off this walkway' vibes. Although she's not doing so well with the 'secret' part since I, as well as Nadia, sense it.

"You're Veronica McShell," Sam gasps. "You're Veronica McShell."

"Yes, that's me," She sighs.

"Of course. Of course. I should've known we'd find you somewhere like this, doing all kinds of science and what's it." He pauses. "Oh, sorry. Sorry. I'm so sorry about your dad."

Nadia's brows furrow together. "What are you on about, Sam?"

"Chris McShell, our old Runner Ten, the zombie killing hero of Abel-this is his daughter. Only uh, he made you sound like a little girl. And you're what? Fourteen? Fifteen?"

She doesn't answer.

"Veronica, we've been trying to get a message to you. Before he went, I-I mean, it was his last request. Did the Girl Guides find you?"

"Yes," She answers. "I know you got him killed."

"We... no, that's-that's not-"

"We don't have time for this now. I need your help. Vince, the only other researcher here, went out this morning to set up more cameras around the perimeter. We're investigating how they react to first contact with the calming plants."

Nadia and I share a look. "Calming plants?"

Veronica's shoulders tense a bit. She's becoming frustrated with our constant asking. That, along with the fact that we killed her precious zombie lynx, and the fact that she thinks we killed her father... well, I think I understand why she's not all that happy with us.

"Vince hasn't radioed in for an hour, and he's not answering my calls," She says, and I hear a bit of worry in her voice.

"So you're charging in for a rescue?" Sam guesses. "Like father, like daughter."

She tenses more at that.

"Veronica... we didn't actually get your dad killed, you know. He was like you. He wanted to do science."

"I don't want to talk about it," She snaps, her voice low and shaking slightly. She's doing a good job at hiding it. "Comansys was propagating the plants here. They're important, and so is Vince. My research needs two people. He could be hurt... unconscious. We have to find him before any zoms do. Come on."

Let's hope that lynx didn't get him before it came after us.

I shudder at the thought. And I think it's best if I don't voice it to Veronica.

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