Chapter 22: Keeper Of Secrets

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"Okay, according to Darren's Militia map, you should be right on top of... of whatever this is," Sam says, and I rub my tired eyes. It feels like we've been running for hours. "We had Roufflenet contact with people in the area until a few months ago. Doesn't sound like they were very advanced. This says they uh, they lived in the trees."

I hum in reply. "Sounds great, especially since you'll be wanting us to check it out. Send the girl with a horrible fear of heights up into the trees. That sounds absolutely fantastic."

"You know, you're a lot more sarcastic when you're tired than when you're not."

"I'm also a lot more irritable when I'm tired than when I'm not. So, please, for your own sake, try not to piss me off."

After that near death situation two days ago, we've been waking up at the butt crack of dawn and running/jogging until sunset. I'm sore as hell, and since we only brought some meal bars and water for sustenance, I'm finding myself hungry and fatigued. This isn't the most terrible trip I've been on, but it definitely isn't the best either.

"Fine, cranky pants," He scoffs, "It's odd. Usually you're a lot happier in the mornings."

"Usually I don't have morning runs five days in a row."

Nadia nudges me with her elbow, pulling my attention away from Sam. "Five, have you ever seen creepers like that? What are those thorns? Blue tips?"

I squint at the blue flowers. They remind me of something... I've seen these flowers somewhere; I know I have. I just can't remember where.

"They look familiar, but I can't put my finger on it," I reply, and she nods.

"You don't see a lot of blue in nature."

"Uh, what about-" Sam starts.

"The sea doesn't count, nor the sky."

"I was going to say blueberries, blue jays, blue bottle flies."

She presses her lips together. "Yes, but blue on foliage."

"Actually, Nadia, I think you'll find that foliage refers to the leaves of the plant, not the thorns attached to the stem." There's a bit of smugness in his voice that causes me to snicker and the blonde to roll her eyes.

"Smart arse," She mumbles, causing me to snicker harder. But my laughter is cut off when a growl echoes through the air...

It's loud, but nothing like the growls I'm used to hearing. It sounds almost like an animal. But it's kind... off for an animal. It's too hollow.

"Did you hear that too?" Our radio operator questions nervously.

"I... Yeah." Nadia sweeps her gaze around the colorful bushes and tall trees, her brows furrowed. "So, we've run for five days to get here because we think this place has a device which repels zombies, and when we arrive, there's a zombie."

"Are you sure that wasn't an animal growl?" I murmur. "I mean, that definitely didn't sound human."

"Zoms aren't human, Five."

"I know, but-"

"We'll have to head away and circle back later," She interrupts, earning a huff from me. "If we try to get through these creepers, we'll be ripped to shreds."

I sigh, but nod all the same. There are bushes with these flowers and thorns everywhere. There's not many ways around them, and I don't really want to meet whatever made that noise-zom or not. Plus, I'm tired and in desperate need of a nap, and maybe a meal bar.

But we barely take two steps before Sam's telling us to stop.

"Wait, Nadia. Look back to your previous angle. Check your eleven o'clock."

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