Part 1

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A/N Hi I'm Jordan and a long time ago I wrote this story. I am now going to start the arduous process of editing it so bear with me! I also hope to change the title but we'll see if that works out! I would like to thank all of my old readers and any new ones. You guys mean a lot to me and I love getting a new notification about a new fan or a comment! Thanks for reading, enjoy! Also please check out the Facebook in the external link.

Girl In An All Scene Boy Boarding School (Nothing Supernatural)

Part One

"All passengers please put on your seatbelts we are about to land." The pilot’s voice said over the intercom of the plane.

"Shit." I thought to myself as I hurried to clasp the belt around me. In less than 45 minutes, I would not only be in a new boarding school, but an all-boys boarding school. I wasn't too nervous about the boarding school part, just the all-boys. After pulling a few strings my parents were successful in getting me in. They thought it would be best if I went to school where there were no girl students and more liberty to "express yourself through creative outlet" as the pamphlet had said.

A snobbish bully too many had nearly sent me over the edge. My mom had found me just in time or else my attempt at suicide would have been successful. My attempt had happened earlier in May, so about three and a half months ago. The random girl had told me "just kill yourself already". I'd taken her words to heart and raided the medicine cabinet as soon as I'd gotten home. After locking myself in my room and drowning out the rest of the world with music, I swallowed the numerous pills hoping to end it all. At the time though things took an unfortunate turn when my mom had busted down my door in an attempt to get to me. It turns out that locking my door and leaving the kitchen counter a mess littered with medicine bottles is not very subtle. My parents immediately took my nearly unconscious body to the hospital where it was a grueling wait for them and a struggle for my life on my behalf. Nevertheless, I'm here now after a summer of much needed TLC and counseling. Also, after going to the principal of my previous school the girl who initiated the bullying (starting my sophomore year) was given heavy punishments. Point one for me.

So here I am now about to get off a plane that flew me halfway across the country to Maine. I left my parents and everything I've ever known behind in Ohio.

After I stepped off the plane, an older man immediately greeted me with a sign bearing my name. The drive to Hanson Academy wasn't extremely exciting. The driver was not a man for conversation so I reread my pamphlet over again. According to it, I was promised a vigorous education while also being provided any and every way imaginable to express myself.

As we pulled up in front of the daunting school, my nerves increased tenfold. The campus was huge, large stone buildings sprawled over the green grass and cobblestone walkways. A pool was located near the second largest building that I assumed was the dorms. It was only 9 am on a Saturday here and the school had officially opened its doors yesterday so very few people were around. I thanked the driver and unloaded my suitcase and duffle bag from the trunk.

I inspected the buildings before me before spotting one that had the word "Office" etched into a sign above it. I made my way over to the promising looking building and opened the door. I was met with a cool wave of air conditioning and a middle-aged brunette secretary.

"Hello Hun, you must be Lynn right? We've been expecting you to show up. I've got your papers right here." The brunette woman greeted me and slid a manila envelope across the counter to me.

"Thank you." I stammered and accepted the package.

"Now inside you'll find your schedule, room assignment, a hand book and a map around campus. The dorms are just across the way. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask!"

I thanked the very friendly receptionist again and made my way outside. I found the dorms easily enough thanks to my map and her instructions.

After mentally preparing myself, I pushed open the double doors and went in. I was met with a lounge area that consisted of a pool table, a large flat screen TV, and a few couches scattered around. Luckily, no boys were out of bed yet.

I tried to make my way up the stairs as quietly as possible but it was nearly impossible with my bags.

According to my papers, my room was number 259 on the second floor. I found my room rather quickly and stared at the teal door for a moment. I was unsure on whether I should knock or use my issued key. Deciding on the latter as not to wake my roommate I turned the key and opened the door a crack. I poked my head in and to my relief it seemed as if I was the only one present. I stepped all the way in and observed my surroundings. The room was bigger than I expected it to be, it had two twin beds on opposite sides, a closet next to each bed, two desks, four multi-colored beanbag chairs and some neon fuzzy rugs that I assumed were my roommate’s decorations.

"Oh!" A male voice said from behind me. I hadn't realized it but a door on the opposite side of the room had opened revealing a bathroom and a guy dressed in purple skinny jeans and a white button down shirt. He had longish hair much like some scene guys have but his was dark brown on top and light brown on the bottom. He had a pleasant face with grey eyes and a full lower lip.

"Oh uh hi." I replied looking down at my bright green shirt I had on and played with a loose thread nervously.

"You're Lynn right?" He asked.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah. Sorry for just barging in and all."

"It's alright this is your room too. I'm Jeff." He extended his hand towards me. I took it and shook it quickly before letting go. "Also I'm gay so don't worry about me trying anything on you in your sleep." He joked and I instantly knew we would be good friends.

"Good to know." I replied smiling

"Would you like help setting up your stuff or food first? I'm personally hungry and would love if you went to breakfast with me and divulged every tidbit about yourself to me."

"Gladly but only if you do the same." He chuckled before placing a hand on my shoulder and leading me out of the dorm room. I think I might kind of like it here.

Girl In An All Scene Boys Boarding SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now