Girl In An All Scene Boys Boarding School- Part 8

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Girl In An All Scene Boys Boarding School- Part 8

Anthony's POV

I walked over to Eric's dorm after breakfast getting impatient with him. Where the hell was he? I waited in his room till 11 last night and he didn't show so I left. Thank god Cam wasn't there when I got back i was not in the mood to deal with him and his backstabbing. I saw something running out of the dorms carrying what looked like wires. Is there a fire? I asked myself. But before I could look for smoke I saw that the figure was Lynn and she was running to meet someone. I walked a bit farther and stood at the top of the small hill seperating the parking lot from the buildings. I looked down and saw that the fags were back. Lynn gave each of them a big hug except for Jay who she was more careful with.

"What are you doing?" A voice said beside me. I jumped and turned it was Derek.

"Nothing just watching the reunion down there. Where did they go anyway?"

"You havnt heard? They were at the hospital. Jay hurt himself."

"Oh did he fall?" I asked not very intrested in a broken wrist.

"No he literally hurt himself like Eric did once." Holy shit. I rememer that. Eric was pissed off about a lot of stuff. It had been going on for about two weeks and one day we tried to sit him down and talk about it but he ran. He went to his dorm locked himself in his bathroom and he cut himself. He wouldn't open the door and by the time we had busted it down the damage had already been done. There was blood on his clothes and his face was extremely pale. I checked for a pulse while Derek and Cam picked him up. He had still been alive and we went to the hospital. It was scary as hell and that's the reason his brother was sent here to keep an eye on him.

"Wanna follow em?" Derek asked bringing me back to the present.

"Lets do it." we trailed behind the group as they went to the dorms. We silently made our way up the back stairs after hearing they were going to Jay's. Once there we sat with our ears pressed to the door and caught part of there conversation. They asked Jay why they did it and he said it was because of Lynn and Cam. Figures. And Lynn said they broke up and told the story of Eric coming last night. Me and Derek gave eachother silent high fives. Then I heard Kel say he had never been kissed and then a silence. Somebody said something quietly and you could hear Jeff's voice. And then Garret said something about liking someone and Kel said the feeling was mutual. Holy crap. Garret and Kel like eachother. This is getting gross. But then I heard the grossest thing. Jeff said he had liked me for two years. Derek looked at me with wide eyes and I stood up pulling him with me. We went to my dorm and i texted Eric to meet us there. We told him the whole story and he told us about Lynn and how he thinks he likes her. Why is everyone finding somebody to be with except me? A girl comes and she's already kissed two guys but was one of them me? No. Dammit this is infuriating. Just then Cam walked in and saw all of us. He saw Eric and walked back out.

"Wait." I called out to him. Were kinda in the same boat I realized. Both of us are alone.

"What?" he said icily.

"Dude I'm sorry. I shouldn't have got mad at you the other day. I was just confused about why you where with them but I heard about Jay and I understand now." I saw Eric tense even more. He was still pissed about hearing his brother found himself a boyfriend.

"Its okay."

"Cool so you wanna come join us?"

"Cant I forgave you but the bastard who stole my girlfriends in this room." Oh shit. Why did he do that? The guys had been yelling and a few people where in the hallway watching. Among the people in the crowd I saw Lynn and the others. Eric ran at Cam tackleing him to the ground. He punched him twice and blood spurted from his nose. Cam stood up and drew his fist back and slammed it into Erics face. I realized that Cam didn't know it was my idea and i wasn't going to let Eric take the blame. I motioned to Derek and we pulled the boys apart both with blood coming from their noses and a busted lip.

"Stop it!" I ordered them. "Eric didn't steal your girlfriend. It was my idea because I was pissed so I decided to get revenge."

"So you sent him there?" Cam seethed.

"Yes. The plan was for you to catch him kissing Lynn." I said totally forgetting that their were others around. Then Lynn was there walking into the middle of our little circle.

"Oh shit." I murmered. She came to me first with tears in her eyes and punched me in the jaw. It hurt too. Then she walked over to Derek and just gave him the finger. Next was Eric but Garret stopped her.

"May I?" he said. She just nodded. Garret walked forward and hit his brother who just stood there. We all deserved it. Last was Cam. Lynn didn't hit him or abuse him. She put her hand on his cheek and moved his bangs from his eyes with the other.

"Im sorry." She whispered holding back so many tears.

Lynn's POV

I couldn't believe it. Those jerks. It hurt to know that I had been used. When I was done telling them what I think of them Jeff came into the circle put his arm around me and led me to the others who were already back in our dorm. I just sat on my bed while Jeff ran to the store to get some comfort food. Jay sat with me holding me while I cried into his chest. Garret and Kel offered to kick their asses but I told them no. I decided that i was done being so eager to kiss a cute guy. I would wait and become friends first and take things slow. I let a loud sob escape and Jay pulled me tighter not caring that I was probably ruining his shirt. The door opened and Jeff came in with a grocery bag.

"Ive got icecream two buckets of chocolate!" He said dumping everything out on the other bed. He handed me a bucket with a big spoon and passed the other one around. I slowly ate and realized that there has been a lot of drama since I came.

"Was life here always this dramatic?"

"Not really." the guys answered. "You spice things up!"

"Lets play a game!" Jeff suggested. He got up and went to his closet. He pulled out Monopoly but the dice disappeared so we decided to play Twister instead. It was fun but exhausting and finally I just collapsed in the middle of the game. So did the others and I guess we fell asleep because when I opened my eyes. I could see the clock and it said 6:34. Classes started at 7:50 so I decided to sit there for a few more minutes. I looked around and noticed that basically none of us had stirred in our sleep. I still had my head on Jay's stomach his arm overlapping mine, my leg over Jeff's, who's other leg was over Garrets arm. And Garret must have moved during the night because his other arm was over Kel. It was actually kinda funny seeing where we all ended up after a game of Twister. I felt Jay twitch and then Jeff stirred. I decided to let them sleep a bit more and quietly got up and in the shower. After my shower I realized that I had forgot my uniform in my closet. Dammit. I yelled for Jeff and he yelled back.

"I forgot my clothes!" I told him. He laughed and brought them to me.

Was it longer? I think so!! Hmm idk when il post again. I'm currently at the pool sitting on the edge of a chair with my moms friends hot son with NO SHIRT sitting right behind me like on the same chair! I'm enjoying it!!:)

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