//eight - try to believe me//

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Laney's POV

Tyler carried me in from the car, Josh and Jenna carrying Taco Bell bags and a small grocery store cake as a celebration. I wasn't officially adopted yet, considering there were so many more steps, but there was no reason it wouldn't happen. So, I let them celebrate and let myself have the smallest bit of hope. We all laughed walking in. 

Tyler set me down on the kitchen tile and walked towards the counter to help Jenna set the food up. I sat down on a chair in the corner, watching. I couldn't stop thinking about my dad, and how I left him there to wait for a crappy service. But, I didn't want anything to do with him. I'd attend the service, but only because no one else would. I still felt like it was my fault. I abandoned him and he probably felt alone. Sure, he hurt me, but shouldn't I have just dealt with it? I'm such a bitch.

"Lane?" Tyler called from the center of the room. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

"Yea?" I replied, still slightly dazed. 

"We're ready to eat."

We sat at the table, telling jokes and smiling, eating our fast food tacos contently. 

"Thank you so much, for everything. You really don't have to go through this all if you don't want." My thoughts still lingered from earlier. I was an awful person leaving my father like that. They'd get hurt too. 

"Lane, of course we want you here. Tyler and I wanted a kid, but touring would be so hard. And now, we get to have a real family.  You're the missing piece for us, kid. We're so happy to have you here." Jenna's voice rang through the kitchen, and in that moment all the voices settled. I felt right here. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. I hadn't felt this loved since Mom. I wiped a tear with my arm, looking back up to Jenna. Her eyes were on my slightly exposed arm, the hoodie lifting up after hugging her. I pulled it down quickly and walked back to my seat like nothing happened. The concern didn't leave her eyes but she smiled brightly back at me. 

Tyler's POV

Lane ran to hug Jenna and her smile was so wide. She felt so happy and I could see it. Jenna had mentioned before that she loved her and that she'd fit in with our lives perfectly. I hadn't had a chance to delve into just how bad she had it before and her current situation, which is why my stomach dropped when I saw Jenna see Lane's slightly exposed wrist. Luckily, Jenna didn't say anything, her expression only faltering for a second before returning to her legendary smile. Lane saw it, I know she did. But, I think I could fix this.


"Tyler, have you seen her arms?" Jenna started, her voice all worry now. "It looks so bad. Do you know about this? Is she still doing it? Was that night you found her the first time she tried? And she seemed to hate her dad, what's up with that? Wh-"

"Jenna, relax. Breathe for a second." She nodded, looking at me now to answer. "Yes, I knew. I didn't know how to tell you yet. I should have and I'm sorry, but I'm going to tell you everything now." 

I recounted Laney's history to Jenna, each new turn making her face slightly more saddened, until I told her about today and how happy she was. "She smiled a genuine smile for the first time since that night today. She loves music, and she's so insightful. She's perfect. She just can't see it." I finished, realizing how well Lane really fit into our family. 

"Okay. So, you got her medical help?" she asked, relaxing slightly. I nodded. "Okay. How do you think she's holding up after the hospital today? She may have issues with her dad, but it's still a family member." I didn't really think about it until right then. 

"I have no clue."

Laney's POV

Tyler and Jenna went to talk, probably about what she saw, and Josh went to work on finalizing tour stuff for when it started in two weeks. I walked up the stairs, carefully past Tyler's room, and went into mine, falling against the floor. I checked my phone, seeing a few texts from Alex.

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