//two-so much more left hiding//

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Laney's POV

I felt someone pick me up and the slight bounce of their walk. All I saw in my head were images of my dad, the way he'd smile slyly. I felt me fall gently against a couch or bed or something. The images. The memories. They sprang into my eyes. I couldn't help but jump up and scream. 

I felt arms around me and I clawed them away. Everything was dark and blurred. I couldn't see anything but myself trying desperately run. Then, I heard someone's voice that wasn't my father's. My heart rate slowed down slightly and my vision began to clear.

"Shhhh, you're safe now. You're okay, just try to breathe," the voice said calmly. I felt arms wrap around my now shaking frame and pull me tightly to their chest. My father would never do this. "Josh, get a glass of water." Josh? Wait, did Tyler Joseph really find me at the bridge? Was this real?

As the unfamiliar room came back to my recovered vision, I felt the tears that had escaped in the last few minutes. I reached up to wipe them quickly. I must have looked to weak and pitiful.

"Do you feel better?" The voice I now knew as Tyler gently lifted me up and onto his lap as he put a clear glass of water to my mouth. I nodded slightly in response and I fell into his grasp. Everything on my body hurt, and when my eyes were fully open, my head spun a little. I finished the water after a few minutes and finally felt everything settle down. "Think you can look at me now, sweetie?" Tyler was closer to my face now, asking me quietly. It felt safer, like I wasn't completely open and vulnerable under the eyes of idols of mine. I turned my head slightly towards his voice until I met his eyes. He cupped my face and stared back into my eyes. "There you go," he said, smiling slightly. 

"I'm so sorry," I replied, feeling tears slowly form but pushing them back. "I don't know why that happened. That must have seemed so weird, I'm so sorry." My voice cracked slightly on the last words, a tear slipping down my cheek. Fuck, why couldn't I hold it together for one second.

"It's not your fault. It's a lot to take in. You just tried to take your own life, you're going to be shaken up." 

I looked around the room now. It was a large living room, filled with a couch and coffee table set. The TV in the front was set between two bookcases of video games, movies, and records. As my eyes moved around, I saw a puff of red hair and the man who owned it sitting in the chair next to Tyler and I. 

"Hey," Josh said softly. "I'm Josh."

"Hi, Laney." I giggled slightly at his introduction.

"Laney, we're going to go talk for a minute, okay? We'll be right back," Tyler told me, lifting me up and setting me on the couch. I nodded as he and Josh left the room hesitantly. Fear now flooded my body.

Tyler's POV

"Okay, Tyler. What's going on?" Josh asked me quickly. 

I had barely gotten a chance to start explaining before the girl I now knew as Laney started screaming. 

"I was driving from Mark's down Main St. bridge and I saw a girl start climbing. I pulled over and talked to her. She has no where to go. From what I can gather, her home life is bad and her mom died. Obviously, there's some serious shit going on with her."

"Do you know how bad?" His questions became more and more concerned. 

"No clue, but she seemed almost hell bent on jumping. And, I tugged at her arm to try to get her down and she seemed like she was in  a lot of pain. There's more to the story, Josh. She's only 16. We have no one else to worry about, Josh. Can't we take her in?" I saw Josh's eyes brighten up at my idea.

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