Chapter 7-Parties and Poison

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I pull the graphic tee over my head and tug it over my jeans. Flip my head over and shake my curls out running my fingers through them a couple times.

I have to go to this little meeting with the other super groups. I personally don't want to go, but and I quote 'Will help you learn about this agency and meet new people'.

I slide the black blazer on over the tee and roll the sleeves up to my elbows. They said dress smart casual. This is seems 'smart' yet casual.

I leave with snow shoes, since the 'party' is being held in the arena. I have become more in touch with my elements and I enjoy the contact between my bare feet and the grass and dirt.

I think it is weird that they are holding a party when we should be assessing imminent threats but I am not the boss so I guess I don't know what's best for PHASE.

Caine and Alex were waiting outside the Arena doors.

"We thought we would wait for you. So we could enter as a team." Caine says looking straight into my eyes.

I had to tilt my head up slightly because of his height. I smile up at him.

"We are going to have an epic entrance. Everyone is already in there, I have blinked in a few times.

The music was loud and I grimaced looking at the entrance.

"We've got this Cece. Just a couple of hours. You might even talk to some people. Make friends even." Alex jokingly adds with a gasp at the end.

I push him over and he stumbles then he and Caine push open the doors and we walk through.

The lights had been turned down and the whole arena was dark with a few lanterns to give it an outdoorsy feel. I shove my hands into my back pockets and stand with my hip popped.

Everyone sort of stops and stares, even the freaking music stops.

"That's bloody brilliant of course the music stops." I grumble.

"I told you we would make an entrance." Alex grins.

Everyone starts to whisper and gossip. This is why I avoid people, because all they do is talk.

I scan the room, it was weird there were a couple of people around the perimeter that were just standing there they were dressed up but they were standing there. Mental note to keep an eye on them. I had a feeling something was going to happen tonight.

"I think something is going to go down tonight. I don't know what. I just have a feeling." I whisper to the boys. "Keep eyes peeled."

"Of course Cecelia finds a way to turn a party into a mission." Caine says smirking and rolling his eyes.

"I am serious." I growl.

I turn and stomp off to the refreshments. I fill a cup and sit on a bench leaning up against the stone bench.

I stare dejectedly at the cup as I swirl the contents around, I lift it too my lips and take a tiny sip. It was sickly sweet and had a weird, kind of metallic tang to it.

I may as well test out my new trick with this drink, because I am definitely not going to finish it. The professor had explained to me a way to separate different liquids from each other.

I lift the cup and tip it out into the air. I use my element to make it into a bubble. The liquid was a pinky orange colour I concentrated on the elements within and it separated into different coloured bubbles.

The largest was a pink bubble obviously the juice, then a clear one full of water, another two types of juices then there was an odd metallic liquid. It was the size of a quarter and I am sure it was not supposed to be there.

I turn and place my hand against the stone. A blue glowing square surrounds it and my name pops up next to my hand.

"CAI, I need you to tell me the contents of the punch that was served and made tonight." I ask the computerized intelligence.

"Punch includes; Grapefruit juice 50%, Apple juice 25%, H2O 15%, a blend of juiced fruits 10% and 5% diced fruit. Further diagnostic break down can be supplied if needed." Her robotic voice answers.

"Would you be able to identify an unknown liquid for me CAI?"

"Of course Cecelia, Please place liquid in this compartment."

A piece of slanted stone moves away leaving a small square with a slanted roof to allow access. I float the silver bubble over to the space and drop it in.

I turn back around and drop the clean liquids back into the cup and drink a sip.

My eyes flit across the room Alex and Caine were socializing with some other guys. I watched the suspicious looking people. They had migrated into small groups of two or three. They talked in hushed whispers always looking around, like they knew something was going to happen.

I look up to see a blonde figure walking straight towards me.

No I don't have time to socialize.

"Hi, I am Sarai."

"Cecelia." I mumble back.

I could feel the stone warming up and vibrating CAI had almost finished the verification of the unknown liquid.

"I can tell you aren't a very big fan of these things. You grabbed and drink and sat in the corner. You didn't even attempt to talk to anyone."

"I just find it hard to relax some times." I reply looking up at the blonde.

"I can tell." She replies. "I mean that is sort of my power. I just know things. Like if someone has a troubled past, or if they are a bad person with bad intentions vice versa. I can occasionally see people's memories when they are particularly strong. It is not the most useful power and it isn't very specific." She continues to ramble shrugging her shoulders.

"Test results. Unknown Neuro Toxin but can result in damaging affects to mutants. Results are drowsiness, inability to use powers and entering a state of uselessness."

"Shit. I drank that crap" I mutter

Half the people in the room were drinking this stuff. I turn to Sarai to see her lifting a cup to her lips.

"Do not drink that!" I grab it pulling it away from her.


"Just don't. I need you to check something for me?" I ask. "What type of aura or vibe are the small groups around the perimeter giving off? I have a really bad feeling about them."

She looks at me strangely but looks over to them. Her eyes clouding over.

"I didn't really notice but their auras are quite dark. That is weird their intentions seem normal but as I look deeper they are...impure. I can't believe I didn't pick this up before. It was most likely the atmosphere and the lightening." She seems shocked with herself muttering the last part.

"I need you to stop as many people from drinking the punch. Also to be safe any of the refreshments." I order looking around.

Blake and Caine were both on the other side of the stadium, now with cups in their hands.

I run through the crowds dodging people here and there. Alex was lifting the drink to his lips. I stick my hand out and flick my wrist nothing happens and I furrow my brows. I push harder and the cup sort of vibrates so I concentrate harder and the cup is knocked out of his hands.

Alex looks up.

"What the hell!"

I rip the cup away from Caine and throw it.

"The punch has been spiked with some sort of power numbing poison. Whatever you do don't eat or drink any of the refreshments."



Love, Brooke

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