Chapter 2-Unbelievable

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I don't even know why I decided to come. I just, had a feeling this would help me get my life together. I can't continue like this it is dangerous for me and everyone around me.

I hear the crunching of snow and look up. A tall, built young man with Black hair. He had his head down but it snaps up when I shift slightly. He narrows his eyes at me and he leans against a leafless tree.

"So...what is your name? Mine is Cecelia" I ask trying to strike up conversation.

He looks at me then goes back to staring at the ground.

I shift again and I look around trying to act a little more natural.

After a few more minutes of awkward silence. A lanky figure literally pops up beside me, a jump and little and almost let out a squeak.

"Hey, my names Alex. I guess you ended up with a card too?" he says flashing his white card.

"Yeah," I mutter angling my body away from him.

He seemed very jumpy and unpredictable I tried to avoid people like that.

"Well then you guys are not the conversing types are you? I don't blame you, who talks to a stranger they first met. I surely wouldn't you guys give off a chill vibe. Well you do little miss beautiful." He leans in next to me his blonde fringe flopping forward. "I am not quite sure about Big, dark and brooding over there is little scary don't you agree."

I give him a forced smile and look away.

"The dark haired guy mumbled under his breath and looks up making eye contact.

The creaking of a door pulls our attention away from each other and the front door has opened revealing a modern yet minimalistic living type room. It was perfectly round and blindingly white with a black spiral staircase in the middle of the room, which seems to lead nowhere. On right side of the stair case there is four large leather couches with a plasma screen T.V on the wall across from it.

"Welcome to H.Q," a booming voice says.

I look over to the couches and sitting on one of them is a man who looks about in his mid-forties with dark hair and wearing a black suit with a red tie.

"Who are you?" Blondie asks.

I suddenly realize he is right in front of the man. A puzzled look crosses my face. How did he get there so quickly, I question myself?

"I am Professor Matthew James, and I have gathered you three here today because you all have something in common. You may not know but you do. Alex, we won't hurt you." Replies the man.

I glance at Alex and he seemed to flinch at the mention of the word professor. It was strange the way he used the word 'we'.

"Let's not talk here anybody could be listening. Come down to the real H.Q," professor replies.

With that he walks over to the stair case. So I decide to as well and so does Dark hair. But, Alex seems a little hesitant, the professor sees that and just beckons him forward.

Alex glances at the door than back to the professor

"Okay, but if you try any funny business you supposedly know what I will do." He says as he glares at the professor.

Alex quickly makes his way to the staircase. It suddenly starts to rotate downwards, transporting us into another room, which is identical except with a heap of doors on the right side of the room.

"Get yourself comfy and I will explain it all to you," the professor says.

As we walk over to the chairs Alex and Caine come over to me

"Are you sure you trust this guy?" Alex asks me.

"I think the least we can do it try." Dark hair says shrugging his shoulders.

"I guess, I really don't have any other options. This is my best bet."

"I think it is all our best bets."

Alex starts towards the coach and I follow him.

"Caine," dark hair murmurs. "My name is Caine."

I smile up at him and sit next to Alex and then Caine sits next to me.

"Okay I need you to promise me that you guys will listen to everything I have to say." He pauses. We all nod so he continues.

"I am a scientist that specializes in genetic engineering and experimental study. My partner and I discovered our powers when we were around your age, we studied these genetic anomalies and discovered we weren't the only ones. We realized not everyone would be able to understand and know what we do so we decided to run an organization that would help and bring together our kind. I have been keeping an eye on you three for several years. Your mutation occurs by the buildup of different genes that it merges into one super gene, so to speak." He pauses for a breath and looks over to me. "You Cecelia have influence over the elements, Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. So whenever you get upset, angry or excited or experience strong emotions, it unlocks your powers and unleashes the full extent on your ability. But, I can teach you how to harness this ability and be able to control it and we have also discovered that by all these years of blocking everyone and your power out you have built up a sort of defense against other powers. You Alex have the power to jump or blink as you call it. It is the power to go anywhere anytime as long as you have physically seen it or can see it and you can also blink any objects around you. For example look at that lamp and imagine where you want it to go" Alex closed his eyes for a minute and suddenly the lamp was above the professors head falling onto him. The professor smiled and the lamp stop mid fall just inches from his head

"I also have powers, I am telekinetic and can sense a person's main desire, like telepathy just based off primal instincts and thoughts not your actual ones."

We all stay silent we have no idea how to respond. It is weird though Alex's whole demeanor has changed, he is acting less jumpy and more...wary of his surroundings. Strange how only a couple of words can change someone's mood entirely.

"Okay then let me continue," the professor says. "Caine is a shape shifter. A person who can transform into any person, shape or thing with no pain what so ever or effect on their internal thoughts or instincts. I have brought you three together because I want to from an alliance. All three of you have the perfect mutations to form an almost unstoppable trio. I have previously tried to bring people together like this before but their powers weren't...the right kind, too much fire power, too much mental. Also the way you three have been treated throughout your life, I believe will help you bond and grow as a team you will be a super hero squad of some sort."

"How do I know you are not just saying this so we trust you? How do we know this isn't some trick to lure us in and experiment on us?" Alex accuses.

"There is no way I can prove myself to you. You are just going to have to trust me that I have good intentions." Professor replies. "I know it may be hard because of what you, what you all have been through but I am giving you a second chance to proving yourself and everyone out there that you aren't destructive forces of nature that you can help save our world and theirs."

I consider what he said. I can go back to running all my life and just you know conceal don't feel.

"I want in." I say confidently. "I don't want to continue with my life, I want to change."

The professor gives me a warm smile and the boys just stare at me with blank faces.

"I trust Cecelia, I will join this group as well." Alex replies smiling brightly, again.

We all look to Caine.

"Sure," he says roughly.

"That is fantastic news." The professor announces clapping his hands.

"Actually our technology and design head has already drawn up and made several 'suits' for you guys to train in. They are crafted to your ability and he has been waiting all day for you three to come in and try them on."

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