Chapter 3-Suits

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I was in the shower. It had been so long since I have had a shower with hot water that lasted longer than 2 minutes. I scrubbed my body with the body wash and I subconsciously speeded up scrubbing my body over once then washing it off.

I stop and wait a moment. I had all the time in the world, I didn't need to go so quickly. I smile to myself and pump another dollop of body wash and wash over my body again, taking my time.

I washed my hair with this amazing peppermint smelling shampoo and conditioner. I washed my face then scrubbed my body, again. I felt like I was getting rid of my old life, of running and not being in control. I stand in the shower a little longer then I hop out.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped the fluffy material around my bare body and pad into my room. Unbelievable

I changed in to the suit lying on my bed and turned around to look at myself in the mirror.

The suit was a deep purple and black one piece that was cut off just above the knee and had no sleeves. The fabric was tight and clingy but comfortable and breathable. It had a turtleneck top but it split down the middle to the center of my chest stopping before it showed anything.

I turned in the mirror a discovered that on the side of my thigh there was I little loop perfect size for a knife and a utility Bely rested on my hips, but I clicked it off and threw it on the bed. On my other thigh a pocket with a square shaped thing in it I pulled it out and realized it was some sort of high tech phone. I put it back because I had no idea how to work it and I think Professor was going to give us a briefing of our suits anyway.

I was about to walk out when I realized there was a pair of knee high boots waiting in the corner of the room. The top of the boot was similar to the fabric of the suit, just thicker and it had a small heel and as soon as I slid them on they molded to my feet. And on the inside was another loop for a knife and in the other boot there was a flat slim piece of metal with a little light on it, I left it and went to see the boys.

I stepped into the space and it was empty, so I decided to lie down and wait. I stretched out and lifted my hands above my head and my head falls to the side.

I feel something pop up next to me. I internally groan and turn away wanting to sleep.

"Cecelia," I heard a voice coo.

"Leave her alone Alex, she is obviously tired." Caine tells him.

At least someone understands.

"Nah, she probably isn't even asleep."

I feel something poke my cheek so I swing my arm out to slap it away. I hear a whoosh and I open one eye to see Alex sliding down the wall.

Shit, didn't mean to do that. Well...It was his fault.

"Leave me alone." I growl out.

I turn back around into the couch and relax.

"Told you." I hear Caine mutter.

"Great you are all here." I hear the professor's voice boom.

Freaking hell.

I turn around and tuck my feet underneath me so someone else can sit on the couch.

Caine and Alex's suit are the same as mine accept their whole legs were covered by the suit and they had plain black combat boots.

Caine sits next to me and Alex squeezes in next to him.

"Your suits are designed for your power. For example. Cecelia yours is fire proof, water proof and it is basically impossible to rip. Alex yours can transport with you without having to think about that 'blinking' as well. I know you have had trouble with that before. Caine your suit will mold to your body and not be destroyed when you shift. All suits are waterproof and as light and tight as a second skin." Professor tells us.

"Neat" Alex says.

"The two throwing knives on your thighs and boots are for emergencies. The belt compartments are for if anything is small is needed for the mission like a USB or something. You will have combat training tomorrow and training with your powers to control them. Briefing is over, if you want food there is a hand pad on your beside table were you will be able to select you meal and it will be brought to you. Goodnight." He finishes then gets up and leaves.

That was blunt. Probably has some big boss work to go do or something.

"Good night." I murmur and walk to my bed room.

"Good night Cecilia." I hear Alex sing.

I smile to myself and slip into a pair of pajamas.

Maybe I could get used to it here. I might even help instead of hurt, along the way.



Imagine the suit as the one on the side/the one above. Except with no sleeves.

I now the chapters are short.

I am working on it.


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