Chapter 1-Choices

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"I've done it again. Oh no, not again" I was whispering to myself.

The ground was shaking, the wind was blowing. All I could hear was the sound of thunder and the angry splashes of the ocean as it made its way up the beach.

"Please no, not again, not again," I was rocking back in forth in the corner of the gas station.

My tear streaked face was flashing every emotion possible. Anger, sorrow, fear, guiltiness and most of all regret I shouldn't of let myself out into public like this. It happens every time over and over again, I am never somewhere long enough to make friends or get a job.

This had all started because of me. I was stupid and hadn't remembered to stock up the food supply and I had stop by a gas station. I didn't have enough money to buy what I wanted so when got to the register the guy started yelling at me that I had to pay up or else he would call the cops. I was so scared but angry at the man that my emotions where let loose and... this happened.

The thing is I can't control it, it just happens when I get angry or sad or when my emotions are so strong I can't control them.

"Uhhhhh. Miss we have to go. This whole building is about to fall down."

I slowly look up and the man who had been filling his car up with fuel was shaking while also trying to lift me up.

"Seriously miss we have to go" he yells over the whistling wind as he tugged my arm.

"Okay" I say and slowly get up. I tell the man to run and that I can take care of myself. He hurriedly nods and scampers out the door.

As I am running to my car I bump into a person wearing a large raincoat. They say sorry and run off.

As I drive away I start to calm and so does the storm. So I decide to just sit in my car, basking in the heaters warmth. As I shove my nearly frozen hands into my pocket, I feel a business card on it is written Los Angeles, 5 scalene rd. at 1500 hours.


I am running through the streets dodging the afternoon crowd trying to get away from my captors. The people soon start to thin out eventually there is just me running through the streets of Los Angeles. As I turn the corner I check to see no one's around I see the agent and I blink. Now I am currently back in the crowd, behind them, hoping no one noticed my sudden appearance. As I near a bus stop I run into a person that seemed to be clothed head to toe.

I mumble sorry to them and I manage to catch the bus just as it was about to leave. I have been on the run for years mainly because when my parents found out I had this power they sold me to the highest bidder, so I have been stabbed, poked, prodded everywhere and gone through the worst pain imaginable. As I sit down on the bus I feel something pointy digging into my backside. As I pull it out I realize it is some sort of business card with the words imprinted, Los Angeles, 5 scalene rd. at 1500 hours.


I should have graduated this year but no I didn't. Because, of life. Because, this world hates me. I. am. A. freak. I have been told this my whole life. In this world as soon as someone is different they are labeled for life. Ever since I have been a young boy my single mum always told me 'hide who you are unless you want danger to chase you, your whole life'. I have stuck by those words my whole life but, you can never change who you are.

I had been hiding in the back of my classroom, hiding is what helped me though life and kept me out of trouble until now.

I was just doing what I do every day, sit at the back, don't talk, and relax when my Economics teacher decided where we sat. So I ended up at the front of the class and trust me that is not good for me. I just kept getting nailed with questions. After first period I asked my teacher if I could move to the back because I wasn't coping well with the front, I had anger issues or anxiety. The beast inside me was constantly trying to get out and absolutely no contact at all helped keeping it caged. But, she said to suck it up because she isn't moving me. I could feel my control slipping, I had gone past the point of no return with that comment that I changed into a bear and nearly ripped the teachers face off.

So I did what I have been told to do my whole life, I ran and hid. I took both my parents wallets and raided their secret stash. I booked a ticket that left within the shortest time and also flew the furthest.

I squeezed through the seats to get to mine when I bumped into another passenger with a cap, hood and glasses on.

"Sorry," the person muttered and continued on walking. As I sat down I took my jacket off and a business card fell out. Written on it was, Los Angeles, 5 scalene rd. at 1500 hours.

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