Chapter 12~ Family Name

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Liz had heard varying stories from different ships about why they were named "queen". Victoria's explanation was informative but not what she was looking for. "All Cunard ships to that point had names ending in 'ia'. And Cunard wanted to continue that tradition with 'Queen Victoria'. So a representative went to Buckingham to ask for permission to use the name. It is said that when this man met with the king King George V, he said "I wish to name this ship after the greatest Queen of England." And the King said "My wife will be most pleased." And as you know, that wife was Queen Mary." Elizabeth was fascinated by this but it still did not explain why Cunard wanted to name one of its ships after a Queen in the first place.

So Elizabeth continued to sail around, wondering about the answer. It was something she felt like she should know but it wasn't coming to her. The turn of the hour found her reading her last magazine for the month. She had been so bored lately that her stock of fresh reading material had rapidly deteriorated. Victoria docked beside her. "Do you have any fresh books left?" She asked. "This is the last." Elizabeth answered. Victoria chuckled. "I'll let you borrow mine if you need to." She said. "I've got a few things that Mary wouldn't let me order 2 of." Elizabeth giggled. "I'll read them in total secrecy." She promised. "Hope you two aren't conspiring anything." Mary said as she came up. "What makes you think that?" Victoria asked. "We're always conspiring." Elizabeth giggled, earning herself Victoria's approving glance. "Do I want to know?" Mary asked. "The X-rated magazines." "No, I did not want to know." Mary sighed. "Victoria, can I have a word with you alone?" She glanced meaningfully at Elizabeth who took the hint and sailed off.

Once she was gone, Mary turned to her sister. "She really looks up to you, you know." She said. "Aye, I know." Victoria replied. "If you're suggesting I'd lead her astray?" "You're both going to Liverpool tomorrow. The events that port offers give me reason to worry." Mary said. "Sister, I would never let anything bad happen to Elizabeth. She's too young, too innocent... Nothing will happen to her. Not now, not ever. I promise." Mary, stunned by her sister's passionate speech, held Victoria's gaze for a moment more, then nodded. "Okay then." She said. "Just be careful. I don't want you in any trouble." "I'm always trouble." Victoria grinned. "Victoria..." Mary sighed. "Okay, I'll keep myself clear." Victoria nuzzled her. That afternoon saw the pair in Liverpool. "Now you stay close to me." Victoria told Elizabeth. "While friendly enough, Liverpool can be prone to becoming aptly named. Especially at night." "But aren't we going out tonight?" Elizabeth asked. "Naturally. That's when all the fun happens." Victoria grinned. "But you just said..." "It's only unsafe if you don't know what you're doing. I'm experienced in this sort of thing. Just stay close and you'll be fine." She assured. "I'll stay close." Liz promised. She followed Victoria to their berths.

When night fell the two were well rested and ready to hit the casinos. Victoria knew where the best places were in terms of both enjoyment and safety. It could be a fine balance sometimes between the two but Elizabeth admired Victoria's careful planning. Still, the older Vista-class couldn't have her record for no reason. Trouble was bound to find them. It started when the pair were docked comfortably at a table enjoying a game of Gin Rummy over a bottle of wine. "Gin!" Elizabeth shouted triumphantly, setting her cards down to reveal a streak of four of a suit and 3 of a kind. "Damn, yo know what you caught me with?" Victoria asked and showed her. She had 2 queens. "Ouch." Elizabeth grimaced. "So that's what? 40 to me?" "Are you sure you're not cheating?" Victoria asked. "That's 3 in a row!" "Where would I hide the cards?" Elizabeth countered. Victoria rolled her eyes, then leaned over. "Look to your left. Just your eyes. Slowly." She ordered. Elizabeth did. "See those three at the table?" Victoria asked. "Yes." Liz swallowed hard as she glanced at the three strong male cruise ships. One was a P&O Cruises, the other two were of the Oriana Line. "They've been following us for the last three hours." Victoria whispered. "What do we do?" Elizabeth asked. "Nothing. Just keep your head on a swivel." "What do they want?" "Something you're too young to understand. Something I swore to Mary you never would understand." Victoria replied. "Which is?" Elizabeth prompted. "Later." The older liner hissed. "We need to go." The three males had noticed the change and were preparing to make a move. "Head back to the berths Elizabeth and with a will." Victoria ushered the younger ship out, the three males not far behind. Victoria slowed and turned to face them. "You boys need to work on subtly. I knew what you were after at the first bar." She said. "You're not who we're after, slut." He eyed Elizabeth who had also turned back and was standing resolutely at Victoria's side. Victoria blocked his path with a snarl. "Leave her be. She's too young. She can't even produce results." She hissed. The lead male paused. "And?" He prompted. "And I can." Victoria felt as though she'd given up her soul as she said it. She could only imagine what Mary would say. But seeing Elizabeth's face, full of fear but still lovingly innocent rallied her. She'd do anything she could to preserve that innocent, even if it meant loosing her own. "Liz, return to the berths." She ordered. Liz was uncertain. She thought Victoria was going to fight them. Three against one was hardly fair. "Go Liz!" Victoria snarled and her harshness forced the younger liner into action. She ran off without looking back.

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