Chapter 11~ The Visitor

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Winter had gone swiftly and the dawn of the new year had come and gone. The cold rains of March had given way to the suns of April. As Mary made her typical morning rounds she noticed several ships that had arrived during the night. NCL's Balmoral was at the south terminal, squeezed between container ships. Crystal Serenity was also curled up nearby, engines purring. Mary smiled and left her breakfast for when she would wake up. Serenity never slept for long after the sun came up, regardless of when she first fell asleep. The Cunard flagship continued on. Next was Oasis and apparently she picked up a friend. Mary was glad of it. Maybe now she'd be less annoying to her fleet. Her friend was a small yacht, barely 100 feet long and currently snuggled against the bigger ship's cheek, using her nose as a pillow. Her little face was scrunched up and her props twitched as she dreamed. The sight was precious and Mary cooed before quietly returning to her own berth. It wouldn't do to wake them. That would be impolite and Mary insisted upon being polite. It was something Cunard's reputation had been built on and customers always appreciated it. And then there was the ship who appreciated that tradition the least.

"Please tell me you got pictures?" Victoria was practically wiggling with excitement. "Of what?" Mary asked, feigning indifference. "You know what." Victoria was taking the pains to whisper seeing as Elizabeth was still asleep behind them. Mary sighed. "My reward?" She asked. Victoria growled and held out her best "toy". "Pictures for the fun tube." She said. "I can't believe you talked me into this." Mary grumbled but she was only half faking her annoyance. That same part of her that was so in line with her sister was excited over the blackmail material she had gathered as well as all the fun Mary would have in her berth tonight, thanks to Victoria's gift. "Victoria was right. I do need to get laid." Mary thought. "Rip off." Victoria muttered as she took the pictures. "What was that?" Mary asked. "Nothing!" Victoria yelped, forgetting the need to be quiet.

Behind them, Elizabeth yawned as she came awake. "What'd I miss?" She asked. "Just Victoria being her usual inappropriate self." Mary replied, ignoring the look Victoria sent her. "The hypocrisy, it's alive!" She thought. "What else is new." Elizabeth answered and Mary laughed at Victoria's sulky pout. "Keep siding with her Liz and I'm pulling your reading privileges." She said and the youngest liner clammed up at once. Mary bopped Victoria on the head. "Don't start. There will be no blackmail this week!" She growled. "This week? What's-oh." Victoria's countenance turned an uncharacteristic somber and she nodded. "Understood Mary." "What's going on?" Elizabeth asked. "Later." Mary said. "I need you both to clean yourselves up and I'll meet you in New York on the 18th." "For once I don't envy you sis." Victoria sighed. "Better you than me though. Do remember to bring an exorcist though." Mary scowled and flicked her nose before stalking off. Victoria rubbed the spot. "Yeah, I deserved that." She said. "Well that's different." Elizabeth commented. "When are you going to tell me what's going on?" The young liner was practically bursting with questions. "On the way." Victoria replied. "Now follow Mary's advice and get cleaned up nice. We're going on the voyage of the century!"

The Visitor

Elizabeth couldn't make heads or tails of Victoria's seemingly bipolar behavior. One second she was uncharacteristically somber and the next she was her bright and cheerful self again. Confusing didn't work well for Elizabeth who preferred straight set things, something she shared with her mother. Speaking of, Elizabeth decided to call her up. Maybe QE2 could clear up some of this nonsense. "Ah, Liz. I was wondering when you'd call." QE2 didn't sound down at all. In fact she sounded more cheerful than normal. "I have questions for you mom." Elizabeth began. "What, no hello?" QE2 asked. Elizabeth giggled. "Hello mom" "That's better. Now I'm assuming you're wondering about Victoria's bipolar behavior?" "How'd you know?" Elizabeth was so shocked she nearly swore. "The date."It's April 10th, what's so special about that? I never saw anything like this last year." "Last year was different." QE2 said. "How so?" Elizabeth asked. "It wasn't 2012." Elizabeth pouted a bit. "I know it doesn't make sense sweetie but it will as soon as you hear the story." QE2 assured her. "Everyone keeps saying that!" She fumed. "I was hoping you could tell me mother." "I, am not much of a story teller." QE2 mumbled. "Better to have Mary or Victoria tel you. Just one thing I will say though." "Yes mother?" Elizabeth gave her her full attention. "Don't be too saddened by it. Mary sees the beauty in the tale while Victoria has taken the tragedy to heart. But it is as much a love story as a tragedy." "I-I will mom. But how does it, the story, affect us so?" QE2 chuckled. "My dear, there is more than Cunard blood running through those veins."

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