Chapter 9~ Ship Down Part 2

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Mary sailed through the backwaters of Dubai with practiced ease. Though exceptionally familiar with the port, she remained at a loss as to where the medicinal storage was. If she could just find a hospital ship...

The United Arab Emirates was no a place often attended by USNS Comfort. The American was just as imposing as her sister, Mercy. She was here to deliver a batch of herbs designed to counteract the withedrawl symptoms of opium. These deliveries were nearly complete allowing Comfort to take the opportunity to relax and... "Comfort! Comfort!" She just had to jinx it didn't she? Stifling a sigh, Comfort turned to see Mary racing up to her. "Heavens girl, what's the mater?" "QE2, sick, I don't know..." "Deep breaths honey. Administering shots is all well and good but what to place in the needle is just as important. Now calm yourself and then tell dear old Comfort what's wrong."

Mary nodded, taking a few deep breaths to slow her rapidly rotating shafts. "It's QE2. She's got some kind of respiratory illness. She was coughing up blood when I left." "Dear me." Comfort gathered her supplies, Just as they were about to head out, Mary's radio crackled. "Mary come quick! Lizzie's unconscious and I can't rouse her." "Comfort, flank speed!" Mary growled. "Elizabeth, I'll be right there with a hospital ship." She signed off and raced out of the canal and into the main channel. On the way she passed the leaf shaped island composed entirely of hotels and luxury resorts. The same island that QE2 was going to be a part of. The island she might never be a part of now... Mary forced back those thoughts. Her mother would not die. QE2 was timeless, deserving of a far better fate than what currently beheld her. If any ship could live forever, it would be her.

Elizabeth was pacing back and forth when she saw the welcome sight. "Mary! Oh thank the Ancients! She was talking and all of a sudden..." Mary hugged her, knowing how distressing all this must be for a ship so young. "Shh, it's gonna be okay. I've brought someone who can help." Comfort moved alongside QE2. "Mary." She said, voice quavering slightly. Mary's heart sank. "Is she..." She couldn't finish the sentence and beside her Elizabeth gave a low keen of distress, kneading the water. To both's great relief, Comfort shook her head. "She's strong despite her age. There's hope for her yet." "What do you think it is?" Mary asked. "I've seen it before in war zones in the Middle East but all cases are the same. The fever, clammy hull, navigation malfunctions, problems with the air intakes... Mary QE2 has anthrax."

Mary froze at this and so did Elizabeth, the latter rushing over and huddling to QE2's flank. She showed more emotion than Mary would've thought possible. "Why? She barely knows her..." She met Elizabeth's gaze and understood. The truth was there. Elizabeth knew now, despite Mary's best efforts otherwise. She looked down at her mother's hull. "So you did tell her after all." She was not mad. How could she be. But she could see that Elizabeth knew that Mary knew. She knew Mary had been hiding from her and the questions were there in her eyes but both ships knew now was not the time to ask them. Both understood the implications of Anthrax for anthrax was not something that occurred naturally in ships. It was good in that Mary didn't need to worry about becoming infected herself but the bad... Comfort had already drawn the same conclusions. "I'll get on the horn with Norfolk and have them start an investigation. Someone did this and I intend to find out who." "Can I help?" Mary asked. "I'll need to know more first but for now the best you can do is remain here." She handed her a bottle filled with an orange liquid. "You'll have to force feed her this but it should help rouse her. After that, one spoonful every 6 hours." She ordered. Mary nodded and Comfort left.

QE2 was lying on her port side, looking almost peaceful if it weren't for her wheeze. Elizabeth was huddled tight against her flank. "Elizabeth, I need you to help me feed this to her." Mary said. Elizabeth shifted to look at her. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. "I have, many other questions but this is the one I need answered now. Why didn't you tell me?" Mary sighed. "Because I was afraid." She admitted. "Of what? That I would take your place?" Elizabeth suggested shrewdly and Mary winced. "Just like your mother, you're exceedingly observant." She sighed. "She is your mother too Mary. She-I know you don't think she likes that fact but she loves you as though you were her own. She despises herself for it but only because she sees it as her own selfishness against her aunt, it's nothing against you." Mary looked away. "Just-just help me Elizabeth." She rasped. Elizabeth gently took the bottle from her shaking grip as Mary pried QE2's jaws apart. Elizabeth poured the measurement, gently tipping it between the back teeth. "I've never admitted this to anyone before but I've always wanted a sibling. I know you already have Victoria but I'd always hoped..." Mary embraced her before she could say more. "You're family Liz. You don't have to prove yourself a worthy sibling but I accept you all the same." Her grip tightened. "Little sister..." Mary could hear Liz sobbing into her shoulder and her own tears rained down on her decks but for once she ignored it. Even adult ships could cry.

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