jan 15 • thorns and rip

16 3 2

January 15th, 2018 | One-Word Prompt: Roses

Roses. They're such lovely flowers, really. Until you prick your finger and bleed and cry and die because why do all the pretty things have to be deadly? [This isn't true of all things of course, since both L and the Alligator are very very deadly but definitely not pretty... actually wait, L kind of is :p]

But seriously, roses are, well, nice? I don't really have much to say on them. I guess some have a nice scent and all. I remember when I was smol little kid I was helping my mom out in the garden and I was like "oooH pwetty roseeE" back when I didn't know that roses have thorns... Yeah, I pricked myself and learned a nice little lesson that day: anything with pointy little things is dangerous. You know what else has pointy things and is extremely dangerous? Here's a hint: it's green, big, and very very ugly.

Okay, back to the topic. Roses are, um, lovely, yup. I think the yellow ones are rather lovely too, yup. But really, pink roses are kind of ugly? I don't know, but roses are only pretty in three colors: a dark, dark red (like blood ;) jk but dark roses are some good stuff), yellow roses (like oh my god they're so pretty I die), and white roses. They're not great in terms of color (I mean how can they when they lack color), but they're just so... aesthetic.

I think that's enough rambling for today, so... adios, enemigos!

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