jan 3 • fish

31 7 8

January 3rd, 2018 | One-Word Prompt: Fish

Fish are ew

Despite L's view

And they're slimy

And oh so tiny

They give you the flu!


L is fishy

She likes her whiskey

With her fish

On a dish

When she's tipsy.


Crocodiles are nasty

Fish are tasty

But only to a beast

Like the predator priest

With a horse go blasty.


The sun is bright

And Ray, a fright

Liking fish no matter

'Cause L's heart shatter

And Ray is alright.


I'm such a great poet. Don'tcha agree?

[also the image was gonna be some gory disgusting fish but i took one look at the pics and ran for the hills so y'all got lucky with a nice lil fishie this time]

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