jan 14 • benji butler fails kindergarten

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January 14th, 2018 | Start a Story with the Sentence "When something calls itself a crocodile, it's really an alligator..."

"When something calls itself a crocodile, it's really an alligator," the teacher pauses, her gaze shifting to pause on each and everyone on of her students, "with a very ugly, brown hat."

"But Miss Lindsay!" cried a little boy among the small group of children.

Ms. Lindsay sent the boy a harsh, mean-teacher glare as she wagged a finger. "Raise your hand if you'd like to speak, Benji."

Benji's hand shot up in the air.

"Yes, Mr. Butler?" Ms. Lindsay said, a smile on her face.

Benji Butler's face morphed into one of a small, pouty, awful, little kid. "I love crocodiles!"

Miss Lindsay raised an eyebrow. "That's unfortunate. We won't be getting along very well, I'm sure."

Benji Butler began to sob. He cried and cried until his eyes were dry and red and hurt like a million little knives had stabbed them. "I hate witches!"

Miss Lindsay's eyes went wide. "Out! I don't care if this is kindergarten, but I won't tolerate profanity!"

And poor little Benji Butler was forced to leave the room, the sound of his sobs trailing in his wake.

He never returned to the kindergarten class.

[Some say Miss Lindsay wasn't just a teacher--they say she slept with a knife hidden under her pillow.]

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