jan 7 • mo? who's mo?

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January 7th, 2018 | About Me: Something not even Mo knows about you.

Hey! Guess what? This prompt is quite literally impossible for me to write in every possible way! Yay!

So thanks, Croc. Because, hm, what's something I don't know about myself? I mean, sure there's tons of things, but I don't know them since, y'know, it's supposed to be something I don't know, so therefore I can't write about them. So yeah, Croc you messed up here. Because really, now you get to write about yourself and reveal your deepest, darkest secrets and here I am, chillin' and having a grand ole' time. :))

Okay, okay, so I'll just do a slightly altered prompt so I'm actually writing something... I'll just write about something most people don't know about me!

Alright so, I mean there's those small things (I mean, they're actually quite big, in my opinion) like how I absolutely abhor mint and dark chocolate, and I like white chocolate, and such, but y'all probably already know that 'cayse I'm a ho that spills everything there is to know about me.

Actually, wait, I think I've got a decent fact: I like the sun more than the moon. I literally have no idea why I chose this username (well, I mean, I know why I chose this username but not my previous which was @TheShineOfTheMoon). I actually really regret it, because now I go my Moon, and like, I really don't even like the moon...? So, it's like,,,,, ?? I mean I guess being called Moon is better than being called Sun, but like, why couldn't I choose some better name? So yeah, I regret a lot of the choices my younger self made.

Okay, yeah, I have no idea what to write about so I'll accept defeat and do what Croc suggested in the first place: have someone else write this for me. So yeah! I'm just gonna be here all silent and hand over the reins to... Actually, wait, I have a better idea. I'll just ask a couple of people to send in a paragraph of what Mo doesn't know about Mo and then write my reactions. I'm sure that'll be entertaining enough.

Shay: "here is something you don't know about yourself you don't know the difference between cabbage and other foods"

Right, okay, so there's a story behind this one. I was being a dumb ho this summer and my great uncle was visiting so I was making us lunch (my parents were at work and not at home), and I saw this plastic container in the fridge. I was all like "oh yeah that's totally the cabbage (it's a sort of cabbage fry with peas which is basically a dry curry? that we eat with rice) we ate the other night" and I took it out to heat it up. Now here's the thing. I ate it first, before my great uncle, and let's just say I spit it out almost immediately. Turns out, it wasn't cabbage (it didn't even have the peas!). I don't remember exactly what it was, and I want to say it was cooked onions, but I feel like it was way worse. It might've been ginger (oh, the horrors), or garlic, or some sort of paste made of spices that isn't supposed to be eaten by itself (it's supposed to mixed into something). Anyway, yeah. It wasn't one of my best moments.

But, um, I already knew that... so, I'm sorry, Shay, but you didn't do so hot. :p

Anneh: "something you don't know about you . that yer a snake

Um, sorry, Anneh, but telling me something I don't know about myself and telling me something that's a lie are two completely different things.

Croc: "I don't stalk you"

What an alligator.

So, that didn't turn out as hot as I'd hoped. It's alright. I'm sure I can just go over to Shay's house and he can set off a fire for me.

This seems long enough to be considered decent, so ADIOS ENEMIGOS (I'm looking at you, L. And at you, Croc)!

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