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Hello, and thank you for reading Black Rose

As you can probably tell this book has finally been finished, although I admit it's more of a short story than a book. I had always intended on leaving it shorter and rather cryptic in language; hopefully it isn't too cryptic to decipher the meaning (especially in chapter 9 - that one was rather hard for me to write!)

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported this little bit of fiction, I really could not have done it without your kind comments and feedback. To the judges who have volunteered their time to read this, I hope that you have enjoyed this and I thank you for allowing me to participate in your respective contests.

The character of Daiyu has been quite personal for me. As you may have noticed, Asian protagonists are hard to find in Western media and I firmly believe that it is the duty of writers and screenwriters to help create strong, 3-dimensional protagonists and characters of color. Additionally, I felt that a protagonist at "past" her youth (Daiyu is 36 at the time of the events within the book) was important to write, since so many female protagonists I seem to read are college age or younger. A woman's strength and complexities shouldn't be defined by their age. 

If you have any questions whatsoever about Black Rose - be it the plot, the characters, the setting or the process behind it - simply drop a question here and I'll do my best to answer it! Again, thank you so much for your support of this story. Have an interesting day!

- Sana

Update (30/5/18)

I logged in this morning only to notice that Black Rose has hit 1k reads! Thank you so so much for all of your support; when I first put this story on Wattpad I really wasn't expecting anyone would read it so to see 1,000 reads on this little bit of fiction is a dream come true.

As a thank you, I've decided to write a sort of sequel to Black Rose. The characters and world presented in this story won't be making a comeback, but the writing style and theme will. I have a working title right now, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish and start publishing  but I'll do my best to get it out in 2019!

As always, thank you so much for all of your support; it means the world to me!

- Sana

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