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She hears a maid enter her room, curtsy, and remove her crown from its pedestal. She doesn't turn around when the maid leaves. She simply stares out the window at the road, wondering when the Chosen will arrive.

Despite what he would have the kingdom believe, it was never her fault.

A cloud of dust rises on the horizon - the carriage, no doubt. She rises, drawing the curtains closed; must ready herself to meet this year's Chosen. Her closet is black, the only color she is allowed to wear, and she runs her fingers over the fabrics before selecting a simple long-sleeved satin gown. The less noticeable she is, the better her day will be.

The buttons in the back are complex, but she has sewn in a secret zipper to simplify her process. Before she would have had a maid to help her with dressing, but the King had forbidden it and replaced the fastens of all of her gowns with minute buttons. The few supporters she still had in this palace had brought her needles, thread and supplies; if only they could have brought her poison as well.

She slips black heels on her feet before reaching for her brush. Quickly, she brushes the knots out of her black hair, braiding it and pinning it up off her neck. She places her veil over her head, adjusting the sheer black fabric to cover her face and allowing the rest to fall as it pleases.

She glances in the mirror. All she sees is a shadow, dark fabric washing over pale skin and sunken cheeks. Appearance complete, she pulls on black gloves and steps out from her room. A maid stands at her door, ready to lead her to the throne room where her husband is certainly waiting.

"Please remove all your jewelry."

The maid gestures towards her necklace. She removes the string of pearls and places them inside her room. The maid scans her outfit, nods and turns.

"Follow me."

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