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She sits in the cell, alone and shivering, as she waits to die.

A glance around tells her that she hasn't been the first to be here. She only hopes that she will be the last.

She knows that outside the people chant her name and plead for her life. She knows because she was there two years ago, pleading for the life of another; for the life of her sister.

Her eyes turn to the small window near the ceiling where daylight's radiance peers down at her matted hair and trembling frame. She looks up at the light, gentle tears leaving soft circles on her white dress, and wonders if Eden had done the same.

She remembers the calm, collected way that her sister had made her way to the platform, gaze fixed straight ahead, eyes perfectly emotionless, accepting of her fate. She remembers how her sister had lifted the glass to her lips without hesitation, barely reacting as she took her own life with grace unmatched. She remembers how long Eden had fought to stay quiet, before finally letting out a scream of agony that brought the birds from the trees. She remembers watching her sister burn from the inside out as the Queen silently wept, and the King cackled in glee. She remembers the anger that took hold within her as she watched the Queen, the cause of everything, recede back into the castle walls without even a glance back and she remembers the rage that began to grow as the King kicked Eden's limp body off the platform like meat to the wolves. 

She remembers the long hours spent at night studying castle maps, even if it meant spending what little she earned as a seamstress on candles. She remembers tracking down the poison used to slaughter her sister, even if it meant selling her body for information. She remembers learning the art of killing cleanly, even if it meant killing innocents along her way.

Everything she had done was for Eden. And now Kyra was to join her.

When the guards open the door she rises from the ground, calm and collected, and accepts her fate with grace unmatched.

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