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She is beautiful, far more beautiful than her portrait would have him believe and far more beautiful than his wife. Onyx hair tumbles in perfect waves down her back, and her pale skin is nearly as snowy as her dress. She curtsies before him, head bowed. The crier announces her name.

"Kyra Desanian, your Chosen."

Kyra. Her name rolls off his tongue, graceful and light, unlike the laborious process of saying the name of his wife.  Said wife stands beside his throne, properly dressed in black with a sheer black veil as to minimize her presence in his court. Daiyu. What a repulsive name. Mother always said that women with ugly names had treacherous souls. As always, Mother was right.

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl. Rise."

She stands, dress rustling as she moves, and flicks her eyes towards him. They are dark as well, shimmering like obsidian in starlight. She casts her gaze downwards when she notices his interest, thick lashes shielding her glittering eyes from his watch.

"Show Kyra to her room and prepare her for coronation."

A maid teeters over to the beauty, curtsying and leading her away from his sight. He turns, smirking as he sees his wife watching her leave.

"She's beautiful, more beautiful than you are."

"Yes, my King."

"Do you like her?"

"Yes, my King."

He laughs. Foolish woman. One would think that after five years she would learn, but she still gets attached to each Chosen when they arrive. Of course, that makes it more fun for him when he kills them. He remembers how she loudly screamed when he beheaded the first Chosen – what a sweet sound! Perhaps this year he will burn Kyra, and force his treasonous wife to set the flame ablaze.

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