C h a p t e r 37: Agony

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 37: Agony.

The worst thing that we sadly care about and that hurts us so freaking much when it happens, is disappointing someone we care a lot about.

Sometimes, whether you're at fault, or whether you know hundred percent you're right, you end up hiding things you do or believe in just to avoid finding yourself lonelier than you already are.

"Shame is something we bury deep enough to not show, but also deep enough where you can no longer dig for it to get it out once you no longer believe it's necessary." Drake started calm and steady. "That's what Valencia told me when I actually first spoke to her. It's hard... being the one who's telling you something I know nothing about except for what she told me, and what our research got for us. You know, some people are just misfortune. You sent your sister to live with a family that used to be friends with your parents and shits happen. Before I start telling you about what happened to your sister, I'll tell you what happened to your mother and father."

A frown wore Zack's face as he heard him mention his parents. "What do they have to do with this?"

"That, we still don't know for sure. But I guess it will make you understand your mother more and hate her less if you know she probably didn't kill herself."

Zack opened and closed his mouth many times before he actually managed to control his voice strings: "Hate? Didn't suicide? What?"

"I didn't mean the literal meaning of hate, it's normal to have grudges against her. She left you alone, she didn't even explain. That's what you must've thought whenever you faced some difficulties. Listen to me, I will tell you everything, but I need you to be calm, it's so much to take in." he sighed before he continued. "Take this letter; it's the only thing your mum left since you never got to look through her stuff you didn't see it."

It's time...


She was a broken girl living no ending heart-breaking events, from mother' death to father's death, from feeling like her brother gave up on her to losing the family that took her in to take care of her.

Caring... that's an unavailable thing in Valencia's life. Every time someone seems to care, they go away in a way or another.

She thought of flying back to her home again while stressing about how to tell him of the sudden death of the Coopers, but life decided to take her to another turn.

She met new people, new drinks and new bars at a young age of sixteen. Hard liquor burning her throat, different lips getting kissed, a different sensation of hangover every morning or every midday since that's when she wakes up.

Funny enough, in her sober days, she looks at the school copybooks in her room and decides to take few looks, but for other people, having her sober and absent from time to time wasn't helping them.

One day, she woke up hearing voices in the house. Focusing on it, she heard laughter, some glass crashing then it went all silent. It didn't take long before shit went down and a gunshot was heard. A few seconds later, the laughter was back.

Valencia stood up hysterically and looked for a way out. She was scared, nervous as she was glancing from the window. She had a jump, but it seemed like a crazy idea.

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