C h a p t e r 8: A paper

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 8: A paper.

Two guys went back home and only one of them stayed with Zack just in case.

"Man you should probably take her to a hospital... she's been out for three hours." Stated his friend.

"I know what I'm doing Ethan. She'll wake up" assured Zack while turning in circles in her room.

"I'm wondering why she acted like that. It's weird... I mean she was under pressure, but that was a really bad panic attack." added Ethan.

Zack didn't answer; he just kept looking at his sister sleeping.

You look so innocent like this little sister... seeing you like this break my heart into pieces. What's going on in your mind?

"Anyway man it's pretty late and I have to meet up with someone. I'll be going now... Call me if you need anything."

Zack just nodded and sat on a chair next to his sister's bed.


"Zack! Wake up... you're sleeping in a chair

Valencia woke up to find Zack sleeping next to her, holding her hand.

He instantly stood up. He looked at her face for several seconds before realising that she finally woke up. "You're awake!" he stated happily.

Valencia just looked at him, with a questionable look, as if she doesn't remember anything.

"You're going to give me a heart attack I swear... Val, answer me honestly, are you okay? Talk to me, what do you think when you're alone? What's the thing that's playing with your temper like the sea's waves, you seem to be calm, but once someone approaches you in a way, you turn into a storm... your panic attacks are controlling you."

Valencia just looked at him, motionless.

"When we lost our mum, you didn't cry, at all. You were denying the fact that's she isn't just sleeping, that she's dead. You were so young and you've seen her body with your own eyes. I remember you having nightmares every single night you fall asleep because you were used to mum reading you a story and kissing you before sleeping to chase away bad spirits. When dad died, you changed for once, you stopped talking, except to Declan, you looked empty and your eyes seemed lifeless, you don't blink, cry or smile. I hated seeing you like that so I sent you away from this home. You know I never touched our parent's room? I just go in to clean it. The clothes are still there, everything is still the same way they left it. I just wanted to have something left from our old lives when I was alone. I waited for you to come back so I can laugh and enjoy life again, but now, even with you back, I still can't feel that I have my sister back, you're still not okay and I hate seeing you like this. I want to help, but you're like a closed book, it can't be read, and I can't know what happened. What's wrong? Did I make a mistake by sending you away?"

Valencia needed somebody who'd shake her body, look at her eyes and hold her head between their hands and whisper: "You need to look at me, tell me what's going on..." but she knew that it won't help, even if she tells them, things will get more complicated and the one who'll know what's wrong will put their life in danger.

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