C h a p t e r 11: The mission

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When life turns to be unfair

C h a p t e r 11: The mission.

"No... why would she tell me something she's hiding from you?" asked Declan, feeling really bad because he lied to Zack, he's his friend too, but Valencia meant a lot more to him.

Zack was getting more worried; he knows that his sister needs help in whatever she's dealing with. But he didn't know what it was , how to help her or who caused it.


The next day:

Declan wore a classic jacket, black jeans and shoes. He was going to the restaurant as he was told to do a mission he doesn't know anything about except the fact that he needs to wear the glasses, take pictures for the men working there, and their names if he could.

He sighed before getting in his car. Hopefully, he wouldn't get noticed.

What if I didn't do it right? What if I get noticed?

Well, stress is a normal thing to feel in those situations, but freaking out may cause a problem so he needed to control his nerves.

It's all for Valencia don't forget. It's the only way so she can trust me.

He was already there, he got out of the car, walked around in circles, exhaled before he decides to go in.


"Hello? Who is this! How did you find my number? I swear to god if yo-"

Valencia was calling someone after being sure that she locked her room's door. The one she was calling starts yelling, but she stopped him.

"Calm down Thomas! It's me Valencia!"

"Stop saying th- wait what? Valencia! Why are you calling me didn't I tell you it's dangerous? Are you okay? Did they follow you? Is everything fine? Are you hurt? Oh my god ... are you bleeding? Do you nee-" He calmed down a little after knowing that it was her, but then he got frustrated again. So he starts blabbing a million things per second.

"Shut up! God can't you just calm down! I'm fine, they didn't find me! I just need to tell you something. It's really messed up. In the end, I figured that my life had an 'action' tag on it... I'm going to tell you what happened and you need to tell me if you can help. I really don't know anyone else that I trust and available at the same time."

He suddenly stopped talking and listened to her. As she mentioned the word 'messed' he knew that something was wrong.

"Go ahead I'm listening."

"Well you know after you helped me out there so I get to come and live normally again without anyone noticing, I met Declan, my old best friend, he decided to do a surprise party to welcome me, and Zack helped him. You know I fear parties, so I start drinking as much as I can so I can forget where I was... I saw a cigar. In that moment, everything turned black, it was just me and the one holding it. He was looking at me and I start hallucinating. I saw 'him' I swear! It was him trying to press it into my skin, making holes, burning me. So... I jumped on the boy hitting him and yelling. I remember him slapping me, bless my memory. I forgot what happened after but I remember something weird, I don't know if it really happened or I'm imagining things."

She stopped talking then cleared her throat:" I kissed Declan... passionately... I must be imagining things... he told me he's gay, it can't be true... well anyway since that incident, Zack starts focusing on me thinking that I'm hiding something, even with my good act. Another incident happened in front of Zack and his friends. They asked me why the Coopers aren't answering their phones, how can I tell him that they could be dead by now? They pushed me to my limits until I broke down... Zack said that my file in the high school is freaking protected by someone dangerous... he did, it I'm sure... after that day Zack came to me and talked, in his speech he mentioned that my parent's room didn't change I wanted to go there, I felt nostalgic. Skip the details, I found a letter that mum wrote it to da... dad telling him that I wasn't his daughter and that she's probably going to die... I came from rape Thomas... and there's a big possibility that mum was murdered and didn't commit suicide. He destroyed her and followed her, he can kill her. When I saw mom dead... she was... on the floor, a gun beside her... and her face... bl... blowing up... my dad always says that she killed herself because she couldn't live in pain anymore... maybe he didn't get the chance to read the letter... you know I always blamed her for abandoning us... I always thought that she was a weak woman who couldn't fight to live and to give her children the needed warmth... I feel guilty for thinking like that... It makes me feel horrible... I wanted revenge, if I didn't get the chance to save her back then, I may try to pay back..."

She wiped the tears that were falling on her cheeks and sighed... "I searched the room and I found a little copy book. It had some information. Like some numbers that belong to his bank account... where I can find his men and his first name... So I decided to look for this man, who will never be classified as my biological father. Can you help me, Thomas? Please! Declan is already helping me and I know that what he's going to do is the last thing to ask... I won't put him in danger... no one else will die on me. So please help me..."

Declan was sitting at a table alone, watching who's coming in and out when a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hello sir, what are your orders?" it was a soft voice coming from a beautiful girl. It caught him off his guards. He took a picture of her face while trying to act inauspiciously. He took off his glasses and started cleaning its glasses and took other different pictures at the same time.

"Euh... what?" he answered while being focused on his mission without showing.

"Well I asked you what your orders are?" she frowned before smiling again.

"Ah... I'm sorry... I just want to cup of water for now and a salad."

"A salad? Is your girlfriend coming?" she was trying to be funny, but Declan grinned at her before turning blank.

"Why? Can't a boy eat a salad?" he started to get annoyed by her. It's true she's beautiful but her job is to ask a simple question and go a simple action. Add to that, she may be one of the ones Valencia suspicious; and that's already a reason for Declan.

He noticed another man walking, wearing a server's costume. He took a picture of him too.

And another one... and another one...

After several minutes, he stood up and walked to the toilet so he can send the pictures to Valencia. It would be stupid if he took pictures with glasses without even knowing how it works. He passed his last night checking it to find out that it has a tiny camera in it and a memory card.

He locked himself in a toilet and sit. He took off the glasses and his phone out of his jeans pocket. He took off the memory card and put it inside his phone. After a while it opened, he sent all the pictures that existed and the name of the girl.

He waited, then he opened the discussion to be sure that everything is good. He looked at the pictures but he found another picture sent. He opened it to find a boy and a girl, they looked strange; the boy had a scar on his face, yet he was still handsome, he was tall and had a great body, and the girl looked more dangerous, her eyes sparkling and she had a great body too. They were both hugging and smiling sincerely. They must be a couple.

Who are they? Her friends from there? Well never mind...

He deleted the message, stood up and walked out.

He was going to walk out, but he wanted to drink the water that the waiter brought before, since he felt thirsty.

He left the money on the table and walked out. And before he can reach his car, he felt dizzy. People who were walking in front of him start to look fuzzy and unstable.

He couldn't open his car's door before everything went black.

"Good night Mr.Salad" a voice echoed in the darkness.


Here's a song for you ♥

500 Reads in Valencia! 1K/2! I'm sooo happy! Thank you so much! ♥

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