Chapter Seven

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"You two are a disgrace!" I flinched as I heard skin slap skin once more, I curled myself tighter as I thought of who was actually receiving the punishment at the moment.

I looked at the rippling water as it poured along my toes, caressing them in wetness as I reached down and grabbed a leaf that had stuck to my big toe, I glanced back at the Viking leader's tent where all the altercation going on. Both Twelve and Numic was summoned to it just a few minutes ago and the yelling had never stopped since, I looked back to the ripples of water so often caressing my feet from the soft waterfall that fell miraculously, this was indeed a beautiful place to stop and sleep. 

I looked at the gauze wrapped along my foot and pursed my lips, I indeed was always the clusmy on in the village and this was what happened whenever I became careless of situations, whenever I lost control. The need to cry in belittlement resurfaced, why was I taken? Why had this been my destiny? Had this switched my destiny? I reached up and aggressively wiped my cheek as the anger settled in next, I wanted to leave, I wanted out so bad. Twelve had took me from my home, he took me from... oh god, it feels like it's been so many days without her. Little Ammie was probably being taken far away and there was no idea what they were doing to the poor girl at the moment, they could be selling her, beating her... or worse.

I glanced back at the tent and it was as if all my anger disappeared as Twelve walked out first, he flung the tent flap aggressively as Numic followed him out with a timid smirk. I slowly pulled myself to my feet as Numic attempted to "playfully" push Twelve, who turned and around and hissed something at him, I'm not sure what it was exactly. I gulped nervously as I watched Twelve take a threatening step toward Numic against with his lips still moving, Numic appeared to slightly cower before returning some vicious words himself in a hushed voice. In response, Twelve only shook his head and turned toward my direction, he started walking toward me as I lowered my head in sadness. 

There was no shame in the need of needing Twelve, no, there was shame in the want of needing Twelve. I had grown fond of the gentle giant, very fond though he had put me through enough to cause me to want to yank all my lucious hair out of my head. As Twelve grew closer, he appeared to hesitate and stop at least ten feet away from me, allowing me to look at the brusies and scratches he now bore. His entire left cheek was bruised from various slapping and his left eye had a busted blood vessel, other than that, he was perfectly fine.

"How's your foot?" Twelve asked, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Fine." I whispered. "How's your face?"

"Fine." He said with a slight shudder, as if my voice had given him very dirty thoughts. "Did you rest well."

"Yes." I replied. "Did you rest well?"

"I haven't at all." Twelve replied, reminding me that he was one of the Vikings that was a watchmen, he wasn't allowed to have much sleep.

Watchmen stayed up and ready to protect everyone at all cost, even if it was with their own life, and as risky as it seemed, I had endured excitement over the fact that Twelve as good in toe-to-toe combat and wide-field battle. While everyone slept, you had the sense of peace because of one of the best was looking over you and willing to protect you with their life, what an amazing peace to have for sure.

"When am I allowed to go home?" I asked abruptly, the small period of silence was threatening.

Somehow, I felt like I already knew the answer and was preparing myself for the hurt to sweep into my soul because I knew I was never going back. I guess you could say it was clarification I was asking for, making sure that there would never be that chance again. My old life was gone completely, I wasn't able to pick up any pieces when it shattered either, no... the village people would do that. The ones left would band together and rebuild the village for what it was, and hopefully put barriers around to protect everyone inside the village, even if... even if they couldn't had protect me.

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