chapter 18

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When we go out Elhanan's cabin, the area looks different and the trees are huge even the cats cannot reach the branches, and the fields are wide and green, flying birds look different in color as silver is so strange it's now clear to me that I'm not in London anymore

Elhanan and I get to his rose garden, they look exactly like the roses in my vision so beautiful and magical and pure to the touch.

Held out his hand to me and says, "Give me your hand, there's a steep path here, we have to get to the rose"

I stop and ask, "But wait how Simon did not destroy the roses and all the things in your cabin - he was already here!"

"Yes, he was here, but I restored the magic that I still have, the rose garden and I charmed the area so that he and him alone cannot be in this area. The problem that has been going on for years now, and I fear that maybe he will find a way to enter here even if he has magic, We must train as quickly as possible."

And held out my hand

When we get to rose he looks strange he does not look like the rose in my vision, he's red. Elhanan looks at me and says, 'Is not that the rose you saw in the right vision?' I sign with my head and say no! He answers the rose you saw in the vision, is in your father King Michael, in a safe and protected place, Simon cannot touch him.

So what's the red rose doing here? What was it for?"

It is for the day I waited for you Melanie, I can finally show you the power in you, I look at him skeptically and say, "And how exactly is my tremendous power expressed?

I want to show you an example"

Look at me well, and concentrate and see what I'm doing".

Elhanan approaches the rose, opens both hands, puts them over the rose, and says, "veninon,pathchitos" a great and wondrous rose will reveal to me your good and pure powers"

And nothing happens. a pity, he did not say hocus pocus and a bee or a prince in the frog got out of there, nothing happens, I sigh.

Wait, patience you'll see that ... Elchanan did not finish his words and the rose opened, and a great light came out of it and tiny golden balls like fairy dust falling from it do not stop letting it glow, I could not look away from it It is so beautiful but slowly, Begins to quarantine. Elhanan, with the help of his forces, tries to pull him out so that he will not close, but he retreats and rose closes and Elhanan sighs and gasps

Why is it closed?" I'm old and my strength is getting weaker, and even magic, I can not keep it open for long"

Now is your time to use your powers, and practice it

but how?

Like I showed you

How will I do that? I am not like you? I'm not magical!

I'm frustrated and look down confused. Elhanan touches my hand and says "I believe in you, do not let the supplier stop you.

I shake my head hesitantly, stand steady and stretch out my hands and put them over the rose and say the words "vireninion 'pathhichitos" A great and wondrous rose will reveal to me your wonderful and pure powers and it will not open. I try again and again. I start sweating and I feel sweat on my forehead and back. Then it happens that the rose starts to open slightly, I see a spark, I can not believe it, but then I feel something strange, I'm still trying to open the rose and look at the sky and see that the clouds are changing from blue to black

Someone's coming up I feel it Do not stop, concentrate on the rose

I hold on to the strength I have

Ah!" I get tired"

And a cold gust of wind shakes me a bit

I look sideways I see the magic roses They suddenly lose their color What happens here?

Oh no, please, not Simon again?

I hear footsteps and turn my head slowly and see two young men dressed in black, wearing heavy black boots and their eyes rigid, familiar to me from somewhere? And they hold something, looks like a page or a telegram Who are they?

Elhanan approaches me and tries to hide me with magic words, creating a magic bubble that protects us both and says 

"?Saul, David?" What are you doing here? What do you want

Does he know them?

They speak without emotion. We know that Melisandra is here with you!

.Elhanan whispers softly to me, "Do not stop! trying to hold on to the magic of the rose

I can not, I have no more strength in my hands".

Do not give up"

Simon cannot do anything to her and neither do you, says aggressively"

We will not touch her this time, said Saul nastily"

This time? Who are these people?

Oh, no, they were the ones who attacked me at the bar what did they want?

There is a decree in King Simon the Great"

Ha, ha laughs Elhanan is not king and especially not the greatest"

Elhanan is better off keeping your mouth, says David"

, Listen and listen to me very well, says Saul, we did not come to argue, Simon wants to receive" Melanie for his coronation ball to confess that he is the rightful kingof the White Rose Kingdom

He admits that if she says he's the rightful king, he will not do anything to her, but if she refuses, "she will have a surprise that she will not expect, and you too, Mr. Elchanan

Elhanan the prophet for you"

Surprise What a surprise Oh God I'm afraid what can they do?

Saul throws the royal decree on the ground, and they both disappear

And my heart beats quickly,

What to do? I have to stop them and Simon

I take my hands off the power of the rose, and quickly take the royal decree in my hands and try to follow them wherever they are.

Elhanan grabs me and holds my arm, and says anxiously, "Melanie! Do not do that' it must be a trap, You must finish our training"

I look at his worried eyes

Elhanan What do you think, I should do now"?

So stay for a while and see that I'm ready to defeat my uncle?"

No, enough"

Simon is going to do something big and I will not sit here with my arms crossed"

Ok, Melanie, I understand you are also very stubborn"


First of all, we have to be ready for every scenario, and you do not go alone. I come with you"

No, Elchanan I'm afraid of your life, please I'll go there, deal with it myself,"

I will not let you be there alone"

If he thinks I am a weak old man, he has not yet seen my great power"

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