Chapter Seven

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Hey, finally got a new chapter done. Sorry if it sucks majorly....

 Pic of Greyson and video of "Last Love Song" on right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I'm truly an idiot.

Watching Greyson's back retreating from the porch of our cabin, I shook my head slowly, trying to clear it from the onslaught of thoughts. I forced myself back into the cabin where I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, my hair spread around me like a swirling puddle of chocolate. It had all seemed to be going so well with Greyson, but of course one kiss ruined it all. I chuckled to myself, the whole situation sounding like a cliche teen fiction novel. And to think I had a boring life before a certain celebrity stumbled into me...

Get a grip, Al. He doesn't like you, so it looks like you're just gonna have to deal.

I pushed myself off my bed, pushing a brush through my tangles and staring at my reflection. "I don't need Greyson," I told my reflection confidently. I grinned, reveling at how wonderful that statement sounded.


I spun around, surprised to find Greyson standing in the doorway, his hair tousled adorably by the breeze.

"Yeah? What do you want?" I met his gaze icily, throwing my brush on the bed and pulling clothes out of my bag.

Damn you, butterflies. I. Do. Not. Like. Greyson.

"They're, uh, serving breakfast... I was  wondering if you, uh, want to come with." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. I sighed pulling a sweatshirt over my head, not bothering to change out of the sweatpants I had worn as pyjamas. I was in no position to turn down food, even if it meant eating with my ass of a "boyfriend". I quickly twisted my hair into a messy bun and nodded once at Greyson.

"Let's go."


"What's it like to date him?"

I sighed into my French toast, scrutinizing the dorky girl sitting to my left. It seemed like there was a new girl at every meal itching to ask me that particular question.

"Oh, it's all fine and dandy! We just loove picking dandelions and feeding them to each other and practicing disintegrating objects with our eyes!" I exclaimed over dramatically; painting a sweet, fake grin on my lips. Her eyes widened in surprise. Or maybe it was disgust. Honestly, I really didn't care.

"Wait.. y-you eat... dandelions?" She seemed to have lost complete control of her facial muscles as they went completely slack.

"No. I have a phobia of dandelions," I deadpanned with a straight face. She stared at me like I was nuts. "I'm afraid that they're going to eat me. After all, they are related to lions," I glanced at her, gauging her reaction. "Hence the name dandelions."

"Umm..." Her jaw went slack as she continued staring at me as if I had grown an extra head. Shoving another thick slice of sticky deliciousness into my mouth, I tried telepathically telling the girl to leave me alone. Or maybe I was trying to use the Jedi force to move her annoying arse to a different table so I could be alone in my state of brooding. Whatever the case may have been, she finally got the message and scurried off, leaving me alone with my French toast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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