Chapter Six

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This is the last chapter written by Jenn you guys!! The next chapters will be my original work. YAY!! Also, according to (well sort of...) @HannahPrys I am now CUPCAKE MONSTER!!!! RAWR! (Like Cookie Monster? No? Okay, I realize I'm a a kook...) Anyhoo, enough of my meaningless rambles. Pic of Allie on the right (Idk who I should post a pic of...) ------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

~At the Bonfire~


Greyson and I were sitting together on a log by a blazing fire, a cup of cocoa in my hand and a warm blanket draped around my shivering body. 

"Greyson." Mrs. Hensley looked at him warmly. "You are a true hero," she said, referring to how he saved me at the pier. "To Greyson!" She called, raising her cup of cocoa in a mock toast.

The camp raised their cups to the velvety night sky, studded with blinking stars. "To Greyson!"

I laughed as his face turned beet red, matching the glow of the bonfire. We talked for a bit more, but soon the fire died down, leaving a pile of glowing  embers in its wake.

"Well guys, we should all head to our cabins now. Good night!" Mrs. Hensley announced, as we all groaned.

Everyone stood, making their way to the cabins, murmuring good nights to their peers and supervisors. Greyson and I headed our separate way uncomfortably, a thick awkward silence settling between us.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked, as Greyson shivered. "Here," I stood closer and draped part of my blanket over him, realising my mistake a moment too late.

We quickly closed the distance to our cabin, and I stopped on the porch, leaning back against the door frame. "Thanks, for saving me back there." I said to Greyson, who was wearing a confused expression.

"I just wish I could've done something about Brandon while he was still here," Greyson spat, letting out an angry breath.

Brandon had been sent home immediately after the incident, with a string of cuss words from me, razor sharp glares from Greyson, and an awful reputation.

But maybe I've been too harsh on Greyson. I mean, he's not that bad....

I followed Greyson in through the screen door and sat down next to him on his bed. "Can I,uh, hug you?"

Wow did you really just say that?


Way to go Allie.

"I mean, like, to thank you? Sorry, this is really weird...."

"Um, yeah. Sure," He opened up his arms awkwardly, wrapping my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

"Thanks again.." I said blushing. I turned away to hide the blood racing to the surface of my cheeks. There was another long, tangible silence as I calmed myself down.

What the heck is wrong with you, Allie?

"Do the guys always have to make the first move?" Greyson burst out suddenly. I could practically sense him rolling his eyes, even though I was facing the rough wood wall.

"What?" I asked in surprise, whipping around and knitting my eyebrows. "What do you-" I was cut short, my next words catching in my throat as Greyson pressed his lips to mine.

My eyes widened in surprise, but they slowly drooped shut. His lips danced across mine, his thumb caressing my cheek, his palm pressed to my jaw. I kissed him back, snaking my arms around his neck, his hands trailing down my sides until they settled at my waist.

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