Chapter Three

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Pic of Abby to the right-------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>


Two weeks of torture from being that famous jerk's "girlfriend" passed by. Sometimes, I would come home with a blank expression and not say anything for the rest of the night. However, most of the time I would storm up to my room and throw a big tantrum until Abby calmed me down. 

As soon as I got home, I explained everything and she helped me get through it. She is seriously up for the Sister of the Year Award. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.

"Do you want some ice cream?" Abby called, the voice wafting over from the kitchen.

"Do you have chocolate?" I called back, plopping down on the couch, and turning on the TV.

She stuck her hand in the freezer pulling out the ice cream. "Yeah." She strode over to the wooden drawers, pulling out two spoons. Handing me a spoon, she plopped down next to me and pulled the lid off the tub.

I pressed and play and the beginning of The Rise of the Guardians flashed across the television screen. That Jack Frost is seriously the hottest animated movie character I have ever seen in my entire life. I stuck my spoon into the ice cream and dug out big chunks, stuffing them into my mouth. God, I eat like such a pig.

After the movie, I went upstairs. I changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth, readying myself for bed. When I lied down, my eyes instantly closed, dreading tomorrow.

-Next day-


"Let me give you some advice," Alexa began, pulling out a chair and sitting across from me.

I ate a spoonful of frosted corn flakes. "What?"

"First of all, just because you guys aren't really dating, doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. She's not a robot."

My tired brain struggled to process what she was saying. "What the heck are you talking about?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows in confusion.

Allie," she stated, peeling a banana and taking a bite.

"Ugh," I grunted, ahting the sound of her name.

"That's the reason why I'm giving you advice, Grey."

"Again, what are you talking about?"

"You obviously hate her."

"So? We're not even dating for real, so it doesn't even matter." I took a sip of orange juice.

"Be nice. You never know, maybe you will start liking her and actually fall in love."

I threw my hands in the air, exasperated. "What is with everyone and love these days?" I said, annoyed.

"Watch that little mouth of yours," She smirked, standing and retreating to her room.

I rolled my eyes and continues eating my breakfast.


"Allison, darling, look over here please," the photographer cooed. I looked over from my position cuddling up to Greyson and smiled for the camera. "Perfect, darling."

I was with Troy, Lisa, and Greyson at a photo shoot for J-14. They were doing an interview of "Hollywood's Cutest Couple" as they described us. Honestly, I wanted to run away and barf in a trash can.

Me and Greyson? They're such idiots.

Finishing the interview, we were attacked with eyeliner and powder and hairspray to get our pictures taken for the article. The worst part was I had to take pictures cuddling with Greyson. It took all I had to smile next to that boy.


After the photo shoot, the adults treated us to smoothies at Jamba Juice. We were sitting at a table and I kept my mouth around the straw, not wanting to say anything as Greyson and I kcked each other under the table.

"I have some great news!" Lisa grinned triumphantly.

"What is it?" I asked, silently praying she would let me go since all the bad publicity died down.

"I'm sending you and Greyson to camp!"

I choked on my smoothie. "What?!' Greyson and I cried. We've really got to stop doing that.

"We're dropping you off tomorrow and you'll stay for two weeks!" She chimed. "It'll keep your mind off the paparazzi." She took two papers from her purse. "Here's some info on the camp and a list of things you should bring." She handed us the papers and I took it, Greyson not bothering to look at it.

"But I'm going to a party tomorrow!" Greyson argued.

"Too bad, you're going to be living in a cabin with Allison and do fun activities with other happy campers." Lisa shoved the paper at him and he took it, obviously mad at her. At least he had a mom.

"I'm sharing a cabin with her?" Greyson said, pointing a thumb towards me.

"Gee, thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"I enrolled a little late and there was only one cabin left."

"I can't live in a cabin for two weeks with her!"

"I have a headache." I stood from my chair. "I think I should go home now."

"Oh, alright honey. I hope you'll be okay tomorrow! I'm sure it'll be gone when you wake up," Lisa comforted.

"I really hope so," I muttered, walking out of the shop.


Hola people!

I'm really tired.... and I'm a horrible updater. I'm sorry. I have a lot going on. I really want to update Eleven Days of Summer too but I don't have time. Then I need to write my entry for Writer Idol which is due in like two days. :( Gahhhhh.......

I'm just so busy. Then I found out the skin tissue on my foot is pre-cancerous so I need to get surgery soon :( and I have a tennis tournament tomorrow. So yeah. I'm busy. But Oh well.

ANYHOO! Mind making my day and taking two seconds to press the vote button? Or take five seconds to write a comment? Or ten seconds to go to my profile and press that orange follow button? It'll only take seventeen seconds to do all that and make my day and make you my new favourite person.... ;) I'll pick a random person who does that to dedicate a chapter to them....

Wow that was a long author's note lol. Sorry.

~Addi <3

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