Love At Second Glance (boyxboy) Chapter 12

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You guys should check out my new story My Soccer Love! It's girlxgirl ;)


The next morning when I woke up, something felt different. I rolled onto my back, happily noting that my ribs were in less pain than the night before. The night before. Suddenly, I shot up in bed, my heart pounding. The night before. Where I had cuddled with a guy. It all seemed so wrong.

Peter twitched and I sighed, pressing my hands into my eyelids to fend off my incoming headache. Already, I was regretting letting Peter sleep in my bed. But the second Peter rolled to face me, all my regret melted away. He was still asleep, despite my violent stirring, and looked perfectly peaceful and innocent, a look I never saw when he was awake.

I didn’t even realize I had been staring at him until his eyes popped open and he jolted with surprise. I tried to hide the blush that immediately made its way to my cheeks with no luck. Great, so now not only had I practically groped him in his sleep, but he’d caught me staring at him while he was sleeping. I was not off to a great start. However, instead of bolting from the room like I expected him to do, Peter just smiled sleepily at me.

“Morning Gray. How’d you sleep?”

I tried my best to keep the nervous stutter from my voice. How was he being so normal after everything that had happened? “F-fine. You?”

“Never better,” his smile turned into a grin as I blushed. Was he indicating that cuddling with me was the best night he’d ever had? Or was he just responding to my question neutrally? Did the fact that he fell asleep holding me mean anything to him? Did it mean anything to me? I tried my best to push the questions from my head. God, I was acting like such a girl! Obsessing over everything he did and what it meant! I needed to let it go, I decided. So I put on my best straight face and responded to Peter.

“That’s good.”

“Yeah.” The smile was still there. “…So do you want me to go get some breakfast?”

I looked at the clock. It was noon. For a second I panicked, thinking that Peter had missed school, but then I realized that it was a Saturday.

“Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of lunch.”

“Hey, you’re the boss,” Peter playfully saluted me, “Lunch it is. What do you want?”

I smiled, “I know you probably think this is gross, but I really like McDonalds.”

Peter laughed, “That is pretty gross…”

I punched him playfully, “Let me finish. Anyway, I think McDonalds has the best fish sticks in the world.” I batted my eyelashes at him, “Would you get me some.”

Peter shrugged, “Sure. The nearest McDonalds is about a half an hour away though, so it may take me a little while.

I shrugged, “Ok. Thank you so much!”

He smiled, “Of course. Be back in an hour!”

The second he left, however, the playful atmosphere left too. I still couldn’t stop thinking about the way we’d fallen asleep-so close and, well, gay-and, even worse, the fact that I’d liked it. Just the thought of it made my stomach churn. I closed my eyes, hoping to fall back asleep, but doing so simply caused for fantasies I didn’t want to see to sneak into my head. Peter and I kissing; Peter and I holding hands; sitting on Peter’s lap and falling asleep on his bare chest. It seemed that the harder I tried to push the images out of my head, the more insistent they were, crowding themselves into even the farthest corners of my brain.

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