Love At Second Glance (boyxboy) chapter 10

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Thank you so much for all of the comments, reads, fans, and votes guys! I really appreciate it :] As always...Comment, vote, etc. Picture is Gray and song is 'Starry Eyed' because it seemed appropriate for how Gray was feeling. This chapter is dedicated to CrossBlades for commenting on (almost) every chapter. Thanks again!


I fought the urge to groan, leaning my against the hospital bed. It had been five days since I’d woken up, and, despite the fact that Peter visited me every day, I was still both incredibly bored and incredibly lonely. I’d finally managed to convince Peter to go to school, but every day after the last bell rang he would skip football practice and rush over to the hospital to be with me. It was surprisingly sweet. While part of me felt bad for keeping him so cooped up, the other selfish part of me was just glad to have someone around. Claire had called me a couple of times, but the fact that she had ballet every day of the week except for Friday and Saturday proved it hard for her to visit me. And my parents? They’d visited once since I woke up. “We don’t want Ash getting into trouble by herself,” they’d explained during their only visit, but personally I think they were just too lazy to come visit their only son. I sighed, looking at the clock on the wall. It was 2:30, and, I realized, only one hour from when Peter was to come to visit me. Excitement ran through me like electricity. Whenever Peter was around, there was never a dull moment. Just yesterday he’d brought his cat to the hospital and let her crawl all over me. The fact that I hated cats only seemed to further his amusement.

I stared at the T.V. mounted on the wall, watching the permanently cross Judge Judy scold a teenager for stealing his sister’s car and rolled my eyes, trying not to die of boredom as I waited for Peter’s arrival. Before I knew it, though, Peter was shaking me awake. I blinked, frowning. When had I fallen asleep?

“Hey sleepyhead!”

“Hey there.” I couldn’t help the smile that began to spread its way across my face upon seeing Peter, “How was school?”

Peter smirked, readying himself to relay the day’s ridiculous drama. “Great!” he exclaimed sarcastically, “For starters, Melissa confronted Joey today in the cafeteria about sleeping with Casey and he didn’t even try to deny it. Made her cry.”, Peter rolled his eyes, “What a douchebag. Then, later today, Mike got caught smoking and got expelled.” He shook his head in disbelief, “I don’t know what’s wrong with the kids at our school.”

 I laughed at his comments, knowing exactly what he meant.  

“So how are you?, he added.

“Really great!”, I pasted on a sarcastic grin, “Never better. Had a great time watching Judge Judy all day and looking out the window!”

Peter laughed at my sarcasm and pulled me into a hug. “I’m sorry”, he whispered, his lips lightly grazing my ear. An electric shock ran through my body and I shifted uncomfortably.

“Um, it’s fine.”, I lied, trying my best to back away from him. I’d never had a guy hug me like that and I was finding it suddenly hard to breathe, “Hey, did you bring any food?”, I quickly changed the subject.

Peter seemed to notice my sudden awkwardness and quickly backed away. “No. I’ll get it now. I was thinking China House?”

I nodded, my stomach grumbling as I realized I hadn’t eaten anything in six hours. “I’ll have the orange chicken with brown rice.”, I gestured at my jacket in the corner, “There’s a twenty in there. You can use it to pay for my food.”, but Peter just shook his head. “No way man. My treat.” Quickly, he darted out of the room before I could protest, “See you in five!” he yelled, and I laughed at his escape.

The second he was gone, however, my boredom rapidly returned. I groaned. How long did I have to be in this stupid hospital, anyway? That’s not to say that I wasn’t glad I was alive, as I thanked God every day for my narrow escape, but I was starting to get really bored. After five minutes of staring at the peeling wallpaper though, Peter returned with the food.

My stomach grumbled loudly and I grabbed for my food the second he arrived. “Mmmmmm. So gooddddddddddd,” I moaned as I took the first bite, “Peter, you are a god”. Peter laughed, “Trust me. I already know”, he stated, causing me to smack his arm.

I shook my head, “So conceited.”

“Hey, you were the one who said it!”, he protested, causing me to laugh.

“True. So what are we doing tonight?”, I asked, suddenly changing the subject.

Peter held up his finger to say ‘be right back’, and walked over to his backpack in the corner. I frowned as he pulled out knitting needles, “I’m going to teach you knit!”, he exclaimed. I frowned, “Isn’t that kind of….gay?”

Peter’s smile suddenly dropped, “Is there something wrong with being gay?”, his voice sounded hard and angry, much to my surprise.

“W-what? N-no”, I stammered.

His smirk returned, “Good. Because tonight you are going to learn to knit whether you like it or not.”

“Noooo. I don’t want tooooo”, I groaned dramatically, though I was secretly dying to learn. But despite my pleas, in less than five minutes I was holding two knitting needles and doing a wonderful job of failing.

Peter laughed as he watched me struggle to knit and I frowned, “What’s so funny?”

He shook his head, still laughing. “You are. I already told you. Into the backyard, around the shed, under the house, and the pull it off!”

I raised my eyebrows at his lame attempt to get me to remember the stitch and saw him sigh at my giving up. “Here,” he started, sitting down behind me on the bed, “I’ll help you”. I bit my lip as he held my hands in his, slowly guiding them around the knitting needles. My heart suddenly began to beat erratically and I knew that, despite his efforts to get me to learn to knit, being in such close proximity to Peter was doing no help for my memory.

Eventually though, even the ever-patient Peter gave up on me and decided that, rather than doing something that actually used brainpower, we should just watch The Simpsons, as it was currently on T.V.

“This isn’t over”, Peter warned as he packed the knitting needles back in his bag and I rolled my eyes at him, “Sure it isn’t”, I laughed. But my smile quickly faded with my yawn. “I’m actually kind of tired”, I admitted, “Would you mind just going to bed now?”

Peter shook his head, turning off the T.V. “Here”, he handed me my toothbrush and I accepted it gratefully. After the nurse was called to assist me with getting ready for bed, Peter headed towards the hospital bathroom where he’d been getting ready for bed every night. By the time he finally returned, I was totally exhausted.

“Could you turn off the light?”, I asked, gesturing towards the light switch towards the door. Peter nodded, “Sure thing”, and flipped it off, leaving the room bathed in darkness. “Good night Gray”

I smiled through the pitch black, “Good night Peter. And hey, thanks for staying with me. It’s really sweet of you to do this.”

I could practically see Peter’s million-watt grin through the darkness, “No problem, Gray. You’re really important to me.”

I fell asleep blushing that night.

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