Love At Second Glance (boyxboy) Chapter 3

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Upon our arrival at Claire's house, Claire’s mother rushed to the door. “Gray! It’s so good to see you!” she cooed. “Claire, honey, you’re gonna catch the flu!” she sighed, eyeing Claire’s skimpy tank top. Claire rolled her eyes, “Gray kept me warm” she laughed, oblivious to her mom’s disapproving frown.

“Come on”, Claire dragged me to her room, pulling me onto her bed next to her. “God, my mom is such a pain.”

I laughed, “She’s great. She’s just concerned about you.” Claire rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well I wish she weren’t. It’s always ‘don’t do this’ and ‘don’t do that’”.  I chuckled; Claire was a total badass, always pushing the limits, so it was no wonder that her mother was always concerned. And yet, a small part of me wished that my parents actually paid attention to me the way Claire’s did to her. My parents were always either gone or paying attention to my younger sister, Ash. Sometimes it felt as if I was invisible, simply in the house to take up space.

Returning back to reality, I noticed Claire staring at me. “What?!” I exclaimed, causing Claire to laugh at my indignant tone; “Gray, you are soooo spacey today. Did you even hear what I just said?”

“Um, yes?” I tried, causing to roll her eyes for the billionth time that day,

“I said that Luke asked me to the Winter Formal during 6th period!” She exclaimed, “Do you know how long I’ve been crushing on him?!”

“Ohmygod!!” I squealed, “Are you for real?! You’ve liked him forever!”

“Yes!” She grinned,  “And he asked me; me! Not Melinda like everyone thought!”

I smiled at Claire, “That’s so great! I knew he would ask you eventually, you’re like the perfect girl.”

“Awww, really?” Claire noticeably blushed when I nodded, “Thanks Gray. Oh hey, who are you taking to the Winter Formal? I heard Elaine has a huge crush on you. You should ask her!”

I shrugged, as nice as Elaine was, she wasn’t really my type. “I think I’ll just stay home”, I replied.

“What?! No!” cried Claire, “Hey, you should go with Peter!”, she laughed, indicating it was a joke, but I didn’t laugh along. “What?!!” I cried, “I’m not gay!”, causing Claire to stare at me as if I were crazy, “I was just kidding. Jeez.”

“Oh,” I laughed, “Sorry. Okay then. Never mind. Hey, let’s watch When Harry Met Sally.” Claire smiled at my suggestion and ignored my topic change, “Okay, sounds good. Let’s go downstairs.” I nodded in agreement; the T.V. in Claire’s room was tiny, and grabbed Claire’s hand, allowing myself to be pulled down the stairs and into the den.


“Okayyyyy” Claire announced as she finished setting up the movie, “When Harry Met Sally, here we come!” I smiled at her enthusiasm, then pulled her to my chest, playing with her hair, “Hey Bear, how was your week?” I murmured. Claire swatted my hand away, but snuggled closer to my chest nonetheless, “Good. Now shh! I want to watch the movie” and so, just like every other Friday night, once our movie was over, Claire and I fell asleep holding each other on her couch.

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