Love At Second Glance (boyxboy) Chapter 5

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A/N: So I finally decided that Gray would be played by Andy Sixx in Knives and Pens. You know, with short hair and minimal makeup? Picture is on the side. YUMMM xP


I drummed my fingers on my desk, waiting for English to be over. Just 3 more minutes till freedom! The last couple minutes of English were the longest of the whole day. "...and don't forget to read chapter 6 of The Scarlett Letter", continued Ms. Olsen.

I scoffed. As if I was actually going to read that. I pretty much hadn't done my English homework all year. How I managed to keep my grade a C+, I had no idea. I yawned. 10 seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2...Yess! I was out of there! Quickly gathering up my stuff, I ran out of the room and to my locker where I grabbed my math binder. I always grabbed my math binder at the end of the school day because I never had time to go to my locker in the mornings thanks to my constant lateness. Blah.

Upon arriving at the soda machine, I found Peter waiting with a wide grin. "I thought you'd never get here!" he exclaimed. I frowned; it had been less than 5 minutes since school had gotten out.

"Well I'm here now, aren't I?" I replied.

"Exactly!" His grin grew, causing my frown to deepen. I wondered what he was up to. Brushing his weird behavior off, I followed him to his car.

 "So I was thinking we should go to a movie...I'll pay." Peter stated. I stared at him, "Uh, I really don't think I have time for that..." I sighed, causing his normally arrogant expression to momentarily slip from his face. "Ummm", I tried again, "I guess I can see...", almost instantly noticing his expression light up again.

I weighed my options. Go home and avoid doing homework or go to a movie with the most popular guy in school. For most people, it would be an easy decision, but I kind of hated people, complicating the whole ordeal. Eventually, however, I decided on the latter. A little social interaction would be good for me.

Peter stared at me, "Gray, Gray!". My head snapped up, "Yeah?"

"You've been out of it for about five minutes. What's it gonna be?"

"Oh, um, I guess I'll go?" I didn't miss the ghost of a smile that made its way to Peter's face before quickly dissappearing.

"Great. I was thinking of seeing Inception. What do you think?"

I shrugged, "Honestly, I'm not really an action movie kind of guy...They kind of scare me."

Peter chuckled. "Trust me, you'll be fine..Let's go!"


We drove most of the way to the movie in silence, the quiet only being broken when we arrived at the theater and I turned to Peter. "Hey, um, just wondering, why would you want to hang out with me anyway?"  I questioned,  "I mean, you have lots of friends and slutty girls who would be more than happy to hang out with you....And I'm not exacty the definition of popular"

Peter shrugged, turning towards me, "You're different, Gray", he smiled, "Sometimes I get tired of the same old people; the same old thing." He shrugged again. "Now come on, we don't want to miss it."

I paused for a beat before following Peter into the theater. I wasn't exactly unfamiliar with it-I'd been to it a million times, all of which were with Claire. Come to think of it, everything I did was with Claire, and, as much as I loved my best friend, it was nice that someone else was finally paying attention to me.

I continued to follow Peter into the movie, struggling to keep up with his quick pace. He was such an athlete and I was so...not.

Peter's voice jolted me back to the theater. I hadn't heard him talk since we were in the parking lot. "...And one for my friend here." He was saying to the lady behind the counter. At first I almost smiled, realizing the most popular guy in school had just called me his friend, but then I frowned, realizing he had ordered me popcorn. "But Peter," I whined, "I don't even like popcorn."

Peter looked at me and smirked his usual smirk. "Oh trust me, you will after today."


A/N: Sorry guys, this chapter wasn't very exciting. Definitely not my favorite, but stick with me, more will come later :) If you're bored with this chapter just entertain yourself by imagining Taylor Lautner and Andy Sixx (Biersack) together. Now that would be hilarious xD

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