The Way We Do the Things We Do

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Hey guys! So, besides me being missing for a bazillion years, I wanted to say HAPPY SUMMER BREAK! Dear lord, my finals were so hard. Any who, today I will be doing a FAQ for guys, and next week there will be one for the lovey ladies. This is all advice and it’s not like HowBoysThink at all. This is purely advice with true answers. So this story is for the very few gentlemen on here. I promise next week this will be longer. Enjoy(:

Top 5 things guys hate about girls with reasons why we do it from three lovey anonymous girls.  

1.       Why do girls talk so much even though they know we are not listening?

Girls are generally nervous and start to talk so much that it comes to a rambling point where we don’t realize we are doing it. Some think us insanely crazy, but it is just a natural survival instinct we use as a thought process contributing to the idea that if we talk and fill a silence the guy will like us more. Sometimes though, we reiterate ourselves to get our point across hoping something will sink in.

2.       Why do girls play games with guys?

Sometimes we just like messing around and having a good laugh or confusing a guy so we can feel superior. It all really depends on the type of “game” a girl is playing. Generally, girls who play games are not ready for a relationship, but yet they don’t want to feel alone and bored. A lot of times a girl will talk to a guy she’s not really interested in as a way to pass the time.

3.       Why do girls try to act mysteriously?

Generally, Television shows influence a great depth of the female girl’s brain making them feel inclined to looking and acting a certain way. In television land, girl’s that are mysterious and seductive get the guy with no problems, yet in the real world a mysterious girl is seen as a whore or secretive. It’s really just a way to get inside the guy’s head and get him to wonder about things we don’t tell you or have you think about us.

4.       Why do girls strive for fantasy characteristics in a guy?

Romantic movies and comedies up the guy’s position a bit on the pedestal for girl’s making us wondrous girl’s think that Edward Cullen can be real. Remember though, Hollywood aids this because they want the general appeal of the audience to sell out. Girl’s then wish for this perfect fairy tale man to come along and forget about your qualities that shine much duller in comparison to, my personal favorite, Superman (Chris Evans). We are also imbedded with Disney movie frenzy making us believe in Prince Eric and Charming.

5.       Why do girls have so much drama?

Girls are natural doctors; we just want to fix everything and anything, making us get too involved in someone else’s life. We also generally hate other girl’s and any other thing that looks prettier, skinnier, or sexier than us so that causes a bunch of drama.

In conclusion, guy’s we’re just crazy, straight up psych ward crazy, god bless your souls.  

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