Book Reviews & Useless Advice

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My usual smart and witty chapter titles have come to a close with this ^ boring and self explanatory "name". So, sorry about that but I am a bit out of my norm today. 

ANYWAYS! I wanted to say thank you for all of you selfish authors wanting their 2 seconds of fame in an unpopular undercover book like this one. I know know, I'm such a b*tch but what can I say, I have no filter. Lol, no what I wanted to say was because of the humongous amount of book requests and zero amount of questions for advice, my eyes have shrunken from all the reading. 

Why does this matter? 

Well bucko, I actually am really busy with my actual life so I can't be at the computer all day, and I instead choose to socialize and study for the crazy amount of finals I have to take. I also am in physical therapy for my knee because I "accidently" slid my patella out of place and tore my ATL and messed up my poor little femeur while playing soccer and then, retardley, playing bad mitton RIGHT after my first injury. While doing that I have swim team to deal with, conditioning for cheer and I have to do soccer and softball conditioning as well. 

Don't I have alot of free time? 

Well, if you answered yes to that question than I want you all to know that I also volunteer at my local hospital every week, 3x a week, and I am a mentor to an elementry kid who adores my time. WHILE watching my niece. 

Not enough?

Well, what are you guys doing hmm? Don't judge me(: 

ANYWAYS, I have a life, a complicated one at that, so I want some slack and I want to say sorry to all of you who have been waiting for my reviews. I will still do them, just give me time! 

Well, my lovely humans I hope you understand my oh so mundane reasons and hope that those few that send me death threats would stop. It gets me excited(:

Because this "chapter" is so unproductive I will add some advice in here. 


-How to make your boyfriend/ girlfriend miss you-

1. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT answer your phone EVERY SINGLE TIME they text/call or skype or whatever the heck they do! This allows them to wonder what your doing and legitly begin to miss you. When you text/call a guy/girl all the time, that person begins to get cocky and take the "reins" of the relationship in their hands by choosing whether or not to reply to you. 

2. Spend some time away from each other. You don't need to be up eachother all the time because then there is no time to miss you and you will eventually run out of things to do. 

3. In certain situations, choose your friends over them. I say this because it shows that you don't always have to have them to have a good time and you get to spend time away from eachother. You can dress up and go out with the girls/guys for drinks or bowling rather than going out with your boothang. 

Well, those are my three quick tips for getting your boyfriend/girlfriend to miss you. Obviously this does not work if you are married. 

I also wanted to throw something out there for the ladies(: Or the gay guys that I love so much(:


A real man knows who he is, where he is going, and how he is going to do it. Real men have their life planned out and you should NEVER settle for less. Set standards for yourself and you will be suprised to see how many actually fit your criteria. Tell him what your looking for in the begining and be adnament about it. Don't back down but be reasonable and he will surely respect your opinions. If he doesn't, he obviously isnt the one for you so don't lower your standards or expectations. 

Hope I helped you, if I didn't, oh well. Drop me a comment, click the rate button, or delete this from your reading lists! Whatevers clever(: 

Stay Beautiful(:


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