Sorting things out

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It's short, but it's here...

Do you like the title? I felt so proud of myself for coming up with it :P

Let's get down to business before I do the dedication! I have two questions for you guys this chapter, and I NEED ANSWERS PRETTY PLEASE WITH NICO ON TOP!!!

Question 1.

What do you think I should change the cover of the book to? Any specific artwork or designs that you can think of? Or do you like it how it is? Please tell me!

Question 2.

Do you think there should be any Pernico action in the story or no? I kind of want to but I need your opinion. I wasn't sure where I was going to go with the story, and then I though there could be complications with Nico and yeah... Any objections or are you guys all for it?

Now that's done, on to the dedication!!!

The trivia question from last chapter was as follows:

"What is the first name of Annabeth's father?"

And the answer, and I'm sure you know this, was FREDERICK!!!

Thanks for all the people who commented their answers, I appreciated it (:

And the dedication goes to..........

*wait for it*


Congratulations, thanks for commenting!

I'd also like to thank you guys for your comments. When you say something like 'please update soon' I feel all warm and fuzzy imside, because I'm actually making people happy (:


Now, on with Chapter 6!!!

Nico's POV (YUSS)

My entire body was tense as I sat hunched over at the Gryfindor table. All I wanted was for Hazel to be with us. At least.

"Dare, Rachel." Calls the Headmistress.

Rachel walked towards the hat and stool confidently, glaring fiercely at anyone who was whispering. She sat casually on the stool, and didn't even blink when the ratty old hat was placed on her head.

Rachel was smirking, but in a happy way as she had her mental conversation with the sorting hat. After a few minutes, I decided that she was bantering with it. It seemed like an oracle kind-of-thing.

The hat laughed, legitimately, and yelled "Gryfindor!", as Rachel stood up and walked over to join us.

"What was that?!" Thalia said playfully.

"I guess it just liked me." Rachel said, poking out her tongue as she took a place next to Annabeth.

"Oh yeah, real mature." Percy mumbled.

"Like you're any better!" Rachel replied.

McGonagall clears her throat. "Grace, Jason."

Jason walked proudly up to the hat, siting down with a straight back. He completely ignored all of the whispering and giggling girls in the hall, choosing instead to smile at Piper.

The hat was put onto his head, and his eyes widened slightly as the hat started talking to him. Only ten seconds later the hat announced "Gryfindor!"

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