hello again

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It's been a while...
Over a year to be more precise...

I'm honestly really sorry that I haven't updated in so bloody long you guys. I feel terrible but a lot of stuff suddenly got more intense in life and I haven't given this a second thought.

Unfortunately, I will not be continuing my story.

I will not delete it, however, because somehow it's still getting reads and people are still enjoying it.


There may be hope for a rewrite in the future though. Especially in light of BoO coming out during my hiatus.

I need to fix some shit.

Also, while I'm here I want to clear up some stuff.

1. As I said, BoO came out after this was written so there may be some inaccuracies - please forgive me.

2. I was very judge-y early on about my ships, and though most of my points remain valid (I'm not fond of Thalico or anything Percy/Annabeth that isn't Percabeth etc.), I have matured a little. I respect whatever ships you ship guys. No judgements. Just a difference of opinion.

3. Feedback is great. I only ask that you be super clear so I can write better in the future and make more enjoyable content. Also, try not to be a dick. Because that's just annoying for me and other readers :)

I think that's all I've got right now. Again, I'm sorry I won't be continuing, but at least I'm finally giving you all some closure.

Peace out bitches, may you all continue being awesome! And remember, writers (even wattpad ones) like me need your support, encouragement and feedback to get better and keep going, so don't hold back on the positivity!!!

See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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