Chapter Eight

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Hi guys,
sorry for the long wait. I had to work a LOT the last few weeks, on top of my dad moving and my grandmother getting ill. I didn't have the time to write a whole lot, but now here it is! The long awaited next chapter.

Hope you enjoy it, and don't be afraid to leave comments!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All rrights belong to J. K.Rowling.

MY AN: I don't own anything, this is not my story or my idea

Chapter Eight: Concerns

The next day Jay got up around midday. The window still didn't have the curtains closed from where she entered it the night before. Outside the sun was out and there was still no snow.

Perfect for her morning run. Or midday run. 'Whatever.'

She quickly got dressed in a pair of black sweatpants and a dark blue t-shirt along with a training jacket. She put her leather boots on and put her hair up in her trademark ponytail and grabbed her ipod with earbuds before making her way downstairs to grab a quick bite before leaving the house through the backdoor.

It was very cold outside and Jennifer couldn't help but shiver a bit before she warmed herself up by running. With Hailstorm and Skillet blasting through her earbuds, she finished running an hour later. Completely out of breath, she entered the kitchen and opened the fridge to get herself some milk. She warmed it up in a small pan while singing loudly to the tone of the music, sometimes drumming her fingers with the rhythm of the drums.

She never noticed the people entering the room right as she turned her back to the door in order to stir the milk a little and testing if it was warm enough.


James POV.

Entering their home always felt right to James' opinion, even if there was something missing now. Jennifer wasn't waiting for them this time, much to his and Lily's disappointment. Yes they fought a bit before they left, but she couldn't still be mad about that right? It wasn't like it was the first time they weren't there on Christmas. Now that he thought about it, there hadn't been a Christmas in a long time they spent it together.

"Hey, where is Jennifer? Is she hiding somewhere?" Charlie asked, confused as to why his sister wasn't there to greet him like always when they came back from a trip.

"Yeah, where is our little goddaughter?" Sirius asked, looking around like he expected her to pop up from the bushes with a platter of self-made cookies for them. "She can't still be mad at us, right?"

"I don't know... Lily, you did write the day and time of our return on the note we left, right?" He asked looking a little unsettled at his wife. "I mean, she is always here when we... why isn't she here? You recon something happened to her?"

"Let's go inside and look for her, maybe she got caught up in her dancing practice or something again and forgot the time. You know how she is with her music." Remus suggested to the now slightly nervous and worried parents, looking uneasy himself. Sure, he never really payed her that much attention beside the initial greeting when they returned and perhaps a few polite conversations, but that didn't mean he didn't care about her! They simply didn't have a lot in common and he always felt like he was being judged when he spoke with her, even if she never hinted that she was doing so.

"Right, let's go inside. She'll probably be in the dancing room."

She wasn't.

"Okay, so maybe the kitchen?" James looked around the room to see if anyone had a better idea then his.

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