Chapter Six

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Hello people, I hope you enjoy the new chapter. Sorry for the long wait, it was very busy at work for the last two weeks! Anyway, let's get on with it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All rights belong to J. K. Rowling.

MY AN: don't own story/idea

Chapter Six:  First Day of Class

Getting up at 5:00 AM might have been early for her classmates, but as Jennifer had discovered years ago she could simply adapt her sleeping schedule within a single day. Going to bed at 2:00 AM only to get up at 5:00 AM for her physical training was nothing new for her, bar the fact that it was one hour earlier then normally.

Making sure not to wake any of her roommates, she quietly dressed and got ready for her day. She expected her classmates to awaken at 7:00 AM, so she had to be back by then. Getting caught wouldn't do, so she cast a full disillusion charm over herself.

Because who needed an invisibility cloak anyways right?

After her run, push-ups, pullups and other exercises, Jennifer re-entered her dorm room, where her roommates were still sleeping. It was only 6:50 AM. Wanting to be the first to get a shower, she quickly grabbed her clean clothes and toiletries and entered the bathroom.

Returning 20 minutes later, she was shocked to see that they were all still sleeping. She knew that others needed a lot of sleep, but come on! They'd been sleeping for 10 hours straight.

Sighing, she began packing her books into her bag. Not knowing which subjects she would have to take with her because she hadn't gotten her schedule yet, she simply packed all of them and cast a feather-light charm on it, silently scowling at the wand in her hand.

It wasn't the wand she had owned for all these years, but a new one from Ollivander's. While it was a good match for her core, it simply did not feel the same as using her first wand. Unfortunately people would later be able to match her wand to her, and she couldn't have that. Also, it would have been a bit awkward to admit that she already had a wand to her parents, and she couldn't explain why she had it without her revealing her secret.

Therefore, new wand. Place annoyed reaction here... But she'd have to learn to live with it. It was just another small annoyance in her life. Okay, maybe a larger one. But still, she'll get over it in a few weeks. Besides, she still kept her first wand in her robes, so it wasn't like she didn't have it on her should she really need it.

With a sigh, she looked at the still closed curtains around her roommates beds and decided that she might as well go to breakfast.

Quietly, she left the room.


The great hall was nearly empty, save for the teachers and a few upper years.

The Gryffindor table was vacant of all Gryffindors, bar one. A redhead she remembered had introduced himself yesterday as Percy Weasley, a Gryffindor perfect. She also noted that he was one of the older brothers' of Charlies' best friend, Ron. After looking around for a bit, she decided to go to him, in order to ask were everyone was.

"Oh, they a probably still sleeping, classes only start at 8:30 AM, didn't you know?"

"Well, yes, but I had thought that at 7:30 everyone would be long up. I know I am every morning." She answered, a bit confused as to why anyone wanted to sleep for longer as they needed. She simply saw that as a waste of time.

"Yes, but it is relatively normal to come down for breakfast about 20 minutes before classes start, especially on the day after the feast." He reasoned. "Normally there are some more students up by now, mostly perfects, Slytherins and Ravenclaws. If you wanted someone to sit with you from your own house in the mornings, I am afraid you have gone to the wrong house."

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